Ever had this happen to you in bed watching TV

13 Nov 2006
Last night I was watching some paramount comedy and in the corner of my eye I see something scutter across my shoulder. CRIKEY I never moved so fast, off came the duvet and flying went whatever it was on my shoulder ( I thought ).

Tried to find whatever it was in my room with no luck, so I thought I would check my clothes in the bathroom. All was clear so I started to walk back into the bedroom when I felt something on my neck. Again I had the reactions of a cat and brushed it off.

Found it on the floor, it was some big centipede or earwig. Out it went but after that any slight brush of the hair on my pillow I would think it was another. Dunno whats worse an earwig / centipede or a spider EEK!!.
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I had a big spider, twice the size of a 50p roughly run across my chest when sitting in the living room with a jumper/jacket type thing over me around 2 months ago.

Also years ago i remember getting into bed and feeling a kind of sharp sting in my back when about to lay down, I got back up and went to lay back down again around 2 more times and felt the same thing. I then heard a buzzing sound and thought i was getting electric shocks from my clock radio some how :confused: but when standing next to my bed there was a wasp laying on my bad lol.
I don't really have any phobias but Centipedes probably come the closest. I have vivid memories of one in my bedroom at night when I was a child and I shudder and feel sick everytime I think about it.

Your story is deeply disturbing to me.
I never used to mind spiders until I was woken up one night and opened my eyes to see a large spider running up my duvet towards me - I jumped straight up and threw my duvet on the floor too :o :(

Hated them ever since (the little money spiders are ok, as are the spindly ones).
I put on my blazer once, only to look round to my right only to see a spider sitting on my right shoulder, scared the crap out of me.
i had a money spider descend on a spindle of web off my fringe once. it must have been on my head or something, as all i saw was this little thing descend right in my field of view lol. i didnt panic though as it wasnt big enough to kill. :D
chimaera said:
Its ok it was only laying eggs in your ear canal.

Expect to hear echoing scuttering sounds within the next few weeks with no visible sign of source.

This is true, why do you think they are called Ear-wigs?

What you want to do is get a good dollop of Hellmans Mustard in your ear, the acidity of it will kill the eggs.
I once got in bed and felt something scurry up my leg at high speed. As you can imagine I jumped out of bed like a shot to find it was a large spider.

On another occasion, I'd just got up and was plumping a pillow and found possibly the biggest spider I've ever seen sat under there. It had a leg span similar to that of a a tennis ball diameter - I know this because I scooped it up with a tennis ball tube and its legs were touching the sides as it was sat at the bottom.

I've looked under my pillow ever day since then before I go to bed.
mulpsmebeauty said:
I once got in bed and felt something scurry up my leg at high speed. As you can imagine I jumped out of bed like a shot to find it was a large spider.

On another occasion, I'd just got up and was plumping a pillow and found possibly the biggest spider I've ever seen sat under there. It had a leg span similar to that of a a tennis ball diameter - I know this because I scooped it up with a tennis ball tube and its legs were touching the sides as it was sat at the bottom.

I've looked under my pillow ever day since then before I go to bed.

it probably ate the mint under there. or do they put them atop of the pillow? :confused:
If you really don't like spiders and panic when you see one heading towards you, blow on it, they don't like the change in air currenmt and will immediately change direction.
lol.. on our last holiday to Lanzarote me and the mrs were getting it on in the bedroom.. she was err.. kneeling on the floor in between the two beds, when suddenly from out under the bed comes a big assed cockroack.. ran right accross her feet/calfs and towards the window...

needless to say.. that put an end to the fun and games.. and we moved hotel the next day... scared the bejesus out of her... we ended up sleeping in the living room that night, with all the lights on as she wouldn't go back into the bedroom... had to check all the bags, clothes etc before she would go anywhere near them...

The second hotel was much much nicer....
Whilst working in Bulgaria I used to find any number of bugs in my bed, you eventually got used to it but the first couple of nights were rather disconcerting.

On a similarish note there is that theory that whilst asleep those who sleep with their mouth open swallow so many spiders in a lifetime.

The kissing bug label comes from the insect's ability to steal a blood meal by painlessly piercing the lips, eyelids or ears of a sleeping human victim. The real problem is that during the feeding process, the bug injects its saliva into the victim, which can result in anaphylactic shock to persons sensitive to the bite.

i hope i dont get one of those on my face in the night :eek:
Putty said:
On a similarish note there is that theory that whilst asleep those who sleep with their mouth open swallow so many spiders in a lifetime.

Nothing wrong with that, I'd imagine all that extra protien would be good for you.
Normally spiders don't bother me. One year we went to Devon on holiday, we hired out a little stone cottage. Once we got unpacked I filled up the kettle and boiled it to make a nice cup of tea. Went to pour the water into the mug and out of the kettle spout came the biggest spider I have seen in my life (dead obviuosly) I dropped the kettle in fright, lucky not to scald myself, LOL.
I remember as few years back I awoke in panic after having a dream about spiders crawling on me. They don'teven scare me that much !
Anyway I awoke and my heart was racing and I was kinda in one of those cold sweats.

So i turn my bedside lamp on and there was the biggest house spider i'd ever seen (was nearly the size of my fist) on the wall just about 10inches away from my head.

I think my heart nearly stopped ! I think it might have been crawling on me and somehow i dreamt about it.

Sorted it out with a slipper and it made a right mess on the wall !
Mine and the gf's flat has spiders all the time. I hate the bloody things. Can almost guarantee everytime you get back from work there is a spider on the floor or the walls.

When we first moved in we always used to get one sit on some pipes in the toilet in the corner next to the bath. Every night it would sit there at around 10pm. You go anywhere near it and it'd shoot back round the back of the bath like lightening.

I have seen some big ones with big bodies aswell but the biggest i've seen as in leg span was huge. Tiny body but bloody hell it's legs were massive. Each leg must have been 3 - 4" long.
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