This could easily go in the banter thread but here's just as appropriate. Following on from a few comments at Everton's AGM last night, more details on Everton's new ground and potential deal with the council have come out today.
Previously it was suggested that Everton would borrow the money for the ground themselves and that the council would act as a guarantor, with Everton paying a fee to the council for this service. With the cost of the ground rising from £300-350m to £450-500m, the deal with the council has changed. Instead of guaranteeing Everton's loan, the council will now borrow £280m on Everton's behalf with Everton paying the council a premium on top of whatever interest they're being charged and these repayments will be secured against TV money and season ticket sales. This leaves Everton the small matter of finding funding for the other £200m odd .
A couple of points. Assuming all the above is indeed accurate, how do Everton plan to raise the other £200m? If the Mersey billionaires need the council to borrow the money on their behalf to get a half decent rate and are having to use TV and season ticket money as security on this deal, what hope have they got of finding the rest of the money? Also, around a year or so ago Rick Parry (Liverpool's old CEO) was interviewed by a fan podcast and asked about Liverpool's previous stadium debate and specifically why Liverpool didn't look at the docks - his answer was that it wasn't big enough but went on to talk about Everton's previously failed move there. According to him Everton only needed to come up with £7m (iirc) in order to secure funding for their new stadium at the time. How times have changed.
The rest of the money will come from other partners & sponsors - who they might be though is unknown and I don't trust Elstone in finding that sort of money. So it'll probably never happen.
I presume when Everton went to say X Dodgy Bank they wanted 6%, LCC can get the money from Y Dodgy Bank at 2% - Everton can pay LCC more for facilitating the loan than what LCC would get form just being the guarantor, but it would keep the overall cost lowers for Everton. If that makes sense.
Kings Dock we needed £30m, not £7m. Kenwright actually claimed that money was 'ring fenced' and he was waiting on the check from Fortress Sports Fund (Christopher Samuelson, proper dodgy outfit who headed up take over of Reading a few years a go with some fraudster Russians) but the check never appeared. Paul Gregg actually said he'll provide the money as an interest free loan but Kenwright had fell out with him and kept blocking and refusing him, presumbly over Philip Green's shadow involvment in Everton, Gregg sold his shared to Green's other puppet Robert Earl and that was the end of that.