Everything's a Marketplace

20 May 2007
Indeed - a good tradesman is worth their weight in gold, but filtering out all the dross who call themselves "tradesmen" because they've bought a 15 year old van off ebay and have a couple of paintbrushes or went to college for 6 months is a job in itself.

If I'm doing the job myself it may take a little longer, but I know it will be done to a standard I'm happy with, and will almost certainly cost me significantly less

The amount of hassle our neighbours have had with the various jobs they've had done is unreal.

They had their windows done and had to have the company back 4 times due to poor fitting, leaks, mismatching trims etc.
They had their drive done, and the drainage was not up to scratch, causing water to pool at the edge of the house causing damp inside.
They had their back fence done and the fitting is awful - gravel boards not flush with the ground in several places meaning gravel pouring onto our lawn - I ended up fitting new gravel boards underneath on our side.

Personally I'd only get someone in if it's legally required (e.g. gas & electrical work), more dangerous than I can be bothered to deal with (e.g. roofing work), or the required tools are prohibitively expensive.

I had loads of seperate tradesmen coming around to finish bits/snagging on my last house which was a new build and the variation of competency was ridiculous.

The plumbers were by far the worst. Couldn't fix a slightly leaking bath trap until the 4th attempt and the guy reinstalling the shower due to having to have a cracked tile replaced just shouted and swore in frustration the whole day he was doing it (which to be fair, was amusing). The general jack of all trades bloke was rubbish too and didn't really know what he was doing. The guys that laid the patio were hilariously stupid. Their first attempt was abysmal and three of them were tasked with digging the depth down for hardcore and they had just one spade between them (!). The list goes on really.

The only good ones were:

-The mastic man, who I was in awe of. How easy he made doing nice clean lines of sealant was ridiculous.

-The tiler, who made a pretty good job of everything, including an extra bit we paid him to do outside of the official channels!
Last edited:
27 Dec 2005
I don't understand?

Sometimes buyer demand isn't enough to combat market force, and it can reach a point where you have no choice.

It wasn't that long ago when nothing was SaaS, and despite no users (or industries) actually wanting it, you almost can't buy any software now without a subscription.
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