exchange 2010 autodiscover dns record

I turned OOF on for my account for both internal/external emails and then sent a test email to myself from my yahoo account with the subject qwerty1.

I checked the message logs as suggested and there are no messages being sent out with qwerty1 in the subject.

I even searched for any messages going out with AUTOMATIC in the subject but there were none.
You got any Transport Rules in place which might be blocking them before they are even getting to the Transport?

Get-TransportRule is the command you want to run, you can also see them in the EMC but can't remember the exact location off the top of my head right now, think it's under Organization > Hub Transport.

Also check the logs in more depth maybe, send a bunch of these messages to attempt to generate the OOF messages, then scan the logs for the last hour like this (copy all the below and paste into Exchange Shell, hit Enter if it's hanging on waiting for a return):

$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
$EndDate = Get-Date

Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -Recipient "[email protected]" -Start $StartDate -End $EndDate | Select Timestamp, Sender, @{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.Recipients}}, MessageSubject, EventId, Source, MessageId, ClientIP, ServerHostName, ConnectorID, @{Name="RecipientStatus";Expression={$_.RecipientStatus}}, RecipientCount, TotalBytes | Export-Csv "C:\track.csv" -NoType
It was the outbound smtp service not acepting blank headers which caused the problem.
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