Exchange Hosting

28 Dec 2002
South Coast
Can anyone recommend any Exchange hosting companies. I'm currently with cobweb, but think they're expensive at £15 a month..

1 account with circa 1/2GB mailbox. Benefit from Cobweb is that message labs filtering is included in the package.

Looking at at the mo.

Not touching 1and1 after they trashed my mailbox last time and couldn't restore etc. after a botched Exchange upgrade.
considering how much it would cost to install a server and exchange environment yourself, you really think £15/month is expensive?
TBH mate, unless you're 'unhappy' with the service, i'd stay where you are.
BUT, why the need for hosted exchange. Whats wrong with having a standard popmail and regularly backing it up yourself?
Cost = next to nothing, maybe £20/year to a web-hosting company with a mail-starter package.

Yeah I know how much it costs.

I just like to have access to my mail from anywhere with features such as OWA / RPC over HTTPS etc etc. Had Exchange email for about 5 years now and much prefer it...

The only change coming is I've got rid of my Palm Treo Pro and I'm getting a 32GB iPhone 3GS or failing that a 16GB version

It's a case of checking value for money... I did run a SBS 2003 at home for a while, but with the cost of power and Sky not allowing me to have a static IP address etc. I couldn't be bothered
Try or even further afield intermedia - I heard a rumour they are offering Exchange 2010 beta hosting ;)

Not touching 1and1 cowboys..

Intermedia, haven't heard of them.. Would like to know what spam / AV products they are using.
I use for my personal exchange hosting needs. Been using them for about two years now and it's been pretty good :)

Think it's around $9/mo so pretty cheap - their support is good as well. They had some DNS issues yesterday which lead to delayed email. Logged a support call and I had a response back within 10 minutes apologising and explaining the problems :) Only issue I've had in the time I've been with them.

What do they use for Spam/AV?

mmm they use barracuda.. configured a few of these a few years back.. Only problem with the set-up for SME is that the content still hits the network all be it on the boundary.
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Your requirements seem mighty stringent when shopping on a shoestring :D

No just a case of knowing what is out there.

I've asked Cobweb to confirm my renewal costs and what deal they can do. At the mo it's £14/15 a month, but on the website it refers to £6/9

The one mentioned above seems to tick a few more positive boxes, plus a bonus of a 3GB mailbox, not that I'd let it get that big.
I know 1and1 haven't got the greatest rep but I have been with them for over 3 yrs without too many issues!

I had issues too, but when they toasted the mailbox and didn't have a backup and told them to stuff it and the bill.. They backed down in the end and I moved to Cobweb. Thankfully I'd done a pst export a few days before as I wasn't convinced with their Exchange migration
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