Excuses for going out dressed as a pirate?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa
Woke up this morning with a nasty surprise. Had all this gunk in my left eye and it was all red. Turns out I have conjunctivitis (aka pink-eye). So I invested in some eye drops from boots and an eye-patch from the local costume shop. I was really looking forward to going out tonight but I can't go with a disgusting sticky, red eye exposed. Hence I need an excuse to go out to a club dressed as a pirate :D Any suggestions?
Nix said:
Wouldn't it be best to actually stay inside and let your eye heal?
Well if it's safely hidden away behind a patch at least I don't have to worry about it spreading.

To be honest I am probably going to stay in. Especially since I should be taking the eye drops every two hours. I just thought this would make an interesting thread. I really don't want to be staying in on friday night though :(

The other option is instead of being a pirate I could be snake/big boss from MGS3. It's actually more comfortable wearing the patch like he does than the normal way.

I should also add it looks very stupid because I have to wear glasses on top of it :o
How the hell are pirates so good at navigating with the lack of depth perception?! I can't even walk down the corridor without bumping into something.
I found a pillow case that makes a nice bandana. And the patch also came with a bling earring. I look quite piratey now.
I walked all the way down to the laundry room and back and not one person commented on outfit! Everyone just looks at me as if I'm some weirdo and doesn't say anything. I even said hi to one girl and she just walked off.
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