Experiences of Sabayon?

13 Mar 2003
I have been running kubuntu for the last few years. Every time a new version comes out I consider changing to another distro and I am currently considering Sabayon.

Does anyone here run Sabayon and if so what are your experiances? esp compared to k/ubuntu. The rolling release does appeal to me but I know that rolling distros often have a reputation for being less stable. I can't be bothered with Arch at the moment.

I have downloaded Sabayon and installed it on a test partition and one thing I didn't like was the size and bloat. There were lots of non core apps included by default and it took up a huge amount of disk space. I installed the 64bit version but it still included lots of 32bit libs, gnome stuff, developer tools, media centre, full games package etc etc. Not only do I find bloat annoying anyway but all those packages are going to have lots of updates due to the rolling release.

Apart from that it seemed ok :p
I felt there was a lot of bloat with Sabayon, and it generally just felt sluggish. The documentation also wasn't as good as it is for Arch, which really put me off, having been so used to that. :p
If you are going to use Sabayon, just ditch it and use the Gentoo that it is based on. Far less bloat and far more documentation.

Infact most of my Linux knowledge comes from the Arch and Gentoo documentation and forums.
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