Experiences with Striped Raid?

5 Aug 2006
I have recently gotten my Core 2 setup up and running nicely, but I have been having this idea in the back of my mind to do a Striped Raid array with 2 SATA hdd and using that for my windows install. I have heard from other people I have spoken to that it isn't the most reliable and some other horror stories. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?
I've had it running on both my last 2 PCs(although not currently) and while I normally advise against it unless people have a good reason for it e.g. video/sound/graphics editing I found it to be still pretty solid up to the point where I moved my PCs to and from uni, twice I lost an array through that. I did move the systems about ten times each probably so the odds aren't terrible but if you can't stand to lose your data then Raid0 isn't for you otherwise if you want to run it as an experiment then there isn't any real harm.
iirc, theres a raid array type (raid 1.5 or somthing) that lets you do a bit of both, so you get some backup and some speed advantage.
VeNT said:
iirc, theres a raid array type (raid 1.5 or somthing) that lets you do a bit of both, so you get some backup and some speed advantage.

I've never heard of Raid1.5, do you happen to have any more details? I can't see how it would work with only two drives unless you end up partitioning the drives before creating a Raid array half and half and even then it probably isn't a great idea.

Most motherboards offer Raid0(minimum of two drives), Raid1(minimum of two drives) or Raid0+1(minimum of 4 drives I believe), JBOD(Just a Bunch Of Disks which is two+ drives) or finally some offer Raid5(I think this one is a minimum of 3 drives but I'm less certain about it).
Running RAID0 on 2 Raptors at the moment, no problem whatsoever, have all my essential data backed up properly.

Used the same 2 Raptors in RAID0 for over a year, on another system, and it didn't miss a beat, so as long as your have essential data backed up, if you work with large files, it certainly is a good system (in my opinion) to use. :)


Neither have I heard of RAID1.5. :confused:
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To be honost most of the stuff I do is play games online, Fraps and some Vegas video editing. It runs quite well at the moment and to be honost I would have a SATA Raid and another drive to hold my backup info on.
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