external access problems

13 Feb 2003
torrent/newsgroup/nas: web guis can be accessed fine from local network.
torrent/newsgroups download fine
all web gui ports are open according to portchecker

I can get access to guis when going through web services that track ips: my nas uses buffalonas.com, torrent can go through https://web.utorrent.com/

However, when I try to directly use my external ip or the domain I have from no-ip.com, I cant get through - browser says "Could not connect to remote server."

Why can't I get through for myself when ip-tracking services can?
Have you disabled the Windows firewall service by any chance? Disabling it will block access to your net facing IP for some reason. It took me ages to figure this out, with no help from google. If you wish to disable the firewall, do so from Control Panel. The service must remain active.
firewall is on, incoming rules have been setup for web interfaces that run from my machine. However, I have the same problem getting to my NAS, that obv doesnt go through the win firewall.

firewall on or off through control panel makes no difference.
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just to be clear, are you trying this from outside your network? trying to access your external ip/domain from inside won't work on some routers if they don't support NAT loopback.
ah, I'm trying from inside. will get someone to check from outside.

just tried from phone - works ok apart from crappy data connection I think. Well, direct IP didnt work, but using no-ip domain went ok.
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I always add an entry to the hosts file to access a dyndns address locally, remapping to Allows me to work offline too.

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