External Drive or Netgear Storage Central

3 Jun 2003
I was about to order a ~300GB external hard disk for £100 to £120, but I checked if it works out cheaper to get a normal drive and an enclosure. I then came across the Netgear SC101 Storage Central.

If I buy that and a Seagate 300GB drive I end up spending the same amount, but I have space for another disk in the future for another £50/£60.

HD-068-SE Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 300GB ST3300622A ATA-100 16MB Cache - OEM (HD-068-SE) 1
NW-081-NG Netgear SC101 Storage Central (NW-081-NG) 1

Can anyone recommend either option? I want to make sure I'm ordering the right thing before I place the order.
I spent a long time reaserching and considering the Storage central.
Its a fantastic idea but in reality it doesn't work at all.
The problems i heard about were poor performance, overheating, poor software implimentation and various other minor problems such as the drive not spinning up when it should etc.

I also tried a freecom network drive and it was rubbish in so many ways i can't be bothered to list them here.

If i were you i would just get a drive and enclosure.
Doh. Oh well I hope mine works fine because I was waiting for a reply and they weren't coming so I ordered the network storage :confused:
Let me know what its like. And make sure you downlaod the latest firmware.

I'm really hoping they've fixed most of the problems by now, as if they have i might get one.
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