external hard drive error

26 Sep 2006
Hi I had a freecome 80gig usb hd and it was working fine. I just purchased a 320gig maxtor usb drive. But when I plugged it in both doesnt work. It keeps saying usb device not reconized. I have wins xp sp2 and have installed all updates. I have searched on google for fixes but nothing works. Have removed all devices and tried but doesnt work. I also tried different ports but doesnt work. But when I plug the 2 hd in a diff pc it works. Anyone know how I can fix this error?
Just to be clear, you're trying to use both external drives simultaneously on your PC when you get the error? Can you use each one individually? What's the spec of the machine you can't get them working on?
I cant any of them working at all. tried plugging 1 didnt work and tried different ports. PC spec is p4 2.4b gig 1gig ram 9600 Radeon
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