External Hard Drives and a ps3

14 May 2009
South East London
Hey guys, I'm going to buy a ps3 slim for my tv in my room, and use to play bluray films and mkvs etc.. it will be plugged into my denon 1910 av receaver..

I have a ps3 downstairs and it don't play mkvs from my nas, I read that other people have this problem with a ps3 n xbox compatible nas.. so I'm looking for a tb external that should allow the ps3 to read mkvs divx etc..

-- Matthew
I've played mkvs on the one downstairs with my old nas tho?

*edit* if they stopped it then it looks like i need to do some converting :( lol
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PS3 media server (google it)

Transcodes all formats on the fly, but obviously you will need to have it running on a PC
arrh looks like ima just convert then, the idea was to have pc off, as at mo i have pc connected to receiver by 15m hdmi lead and use bluray player on my pc.. but room gets way 2 hot with it all on.. plus i have 2 disable pc monitor so i can watch anything on the lcd..

Will any usb drive play films then? and do you guys know any quick way to covert mkvs to something playable?
arrh looks like ima just convert then, the idea was to have pc off, as at mo i have pc connected to receiver by 15m hdmi lead and use bluray player on my pc.. but room gets way 2 hot with it all on.. plus i have 2 disable pc monitor so i can watch anything on the lcd..

Will any usb drive play films then? and do you guys know any quick way to covert mkvs to something playable?

Have mine wirelessy streaming to the PS3 via router.

Could maybe be worth making a low power media server and stick it in another room?

PS3 is limited somewhat in what it will play via USB, so most things will need converted down to divx format.
Annoying it don't play mkvs.. Ill just convert the videos thanks guys.

Also if I format the drive as fat32 wont that mean I can only put 4gb files onto the drive?
hey all just a quick update for you, If you want to convert mkv to mp4 or anything like that, and do it quickly then use mkv2vob.. Just done a 8gb movie in under a min... can make a video on it if anybody wishes?
You can copy as much as ur hdd can fit but each individual file must be 4gb or below, full HD bluray I still posssible albeit not as high quality as some bluray I've seen.
I cud shrink down, but i may just split into 2 4gb files etc.. but i managed to convert to a different format in a around 2mins so I'm going to stick on nas and see if it works, if it does all converted movies from dvd ill put on a drive, and hd ones on the nas.. or I'll just buy another nas.

And thanks guys for your help
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