External Hard Drives

31 May 2007
Hello every1,

I'm looking to get a 500gb External HD (ideally for less than £100), and was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations? Is it worth going for an eSATA or best to stay with USB2 and firewire? Thanks for the help
Ananda1122 said:
Hello every1,

I'm looking to get a 500gb External HD (ideally for less than £100), and was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations? Is it worth going for an eSATA or best to stay with USB2 and firewire? Thanks for the help
The choice of interface will depend on what your requirements are. eSATA is the best option for speed but if you need to share the disk across multiple machines it may not be appropriate (likewise with Firewire but to a lesser extent).

If I was looking for a new external then I'd be going with one of these and a bare drive, either a Seagate 7200.10 or a WD AAKS. The caddy is a bit on the pricey side but it gives the option of jumping between USB and eSATA easily (some combo caddies need dismantled to switch) as well as the ability to easily swap disks.

It's worth noting that you don't necessarily need an existing eSATA port, most caddies come with an adapter to use an internal port if you have one free.
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