External HDD - PC Repairer

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK

My business repairs computers. I currently use a 250Gb External HDD to transport lots of useful app's, drivers etc.. that sort of thing.

However, I now require something a little different.

I need something very similar to an external HDD enclosure. Something that I can connect a IDE and SATA (would be nice) HDD to which I can then connect it to a USB port.

So basically the same task as what an external enclosure does. However, I need one that is designed so that lots of HDD can be connected and disconnected regularly. I am reluctant to use my current enclosure as I fear it will wear out the connector.

Any ideas?
How substantial are the drives inside the caddy.

I will be unplugging the drives a lot.

If there was an external box that had an IDE and Power cable coming out of it that were replaceable that would be ok. As when the cable wears out I can replace it.
I had an alternative idea, mounting some ports on my case to allow me to plug in drives etc...

So, have posted in case modding about this.


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