External rendering

16 May 2004
Anyone done it?

My current render is falling off. It is a large pebble render, looks like it was just slapped on. We have a wooden triangle on the roof above the front bedroom window that has the bottom board protruding out, looks like water got in and loosened the brick work behind and the water has got behind the render.

Anyway. I have watched videos on rendering and I have done a bit of plastering before, skimming a room or two so I know the technique. I know to do a scratch coat, make wavy lines in it, apply top coat, smooth off, sponge off, beading etc.

Its only the front of the house that is rendered. have a big bay window, so thats takes up space. I am tempted to try it my self.

Have you done it and how did it go?
40s I think. Its normal brick like the non rendered sides of the house. I spoke to a plasterer (I have spoke to lots but non can come out as they are fully booked) and he said with it starting to fall off, its best to just rip it all off, clean the brick work, re-point if any needs doing and it will be fine for the winter. It would be better then leaving it, risking it falling on some one and have water trapped causing damp/water damage. Then get some on booked in to do it. I really am tempted to do it my self.
Fair, I don't have much to add other than to say does it really need rerendering? Is the brickwork really ugly? Doesn't water always get in over time which can't escape and can cause damp and other issues.
All old render needs stripping off, repointing and cleaning of brickwork, then reapply a render - k-rend is popular and it’s not an easy job. You need all the proper equipment etc
Once the old render is off I would imagine it will need a good scrub down a few times to remove the little bits of cement etc that's left behind.. ill see what is like once it's off.
If you are going to take it all off, is it worth looking at external insulation before re-rendering?

I know the local councils done a lot of it recently to some of their properties no idea if it is any good but worth a thought.
If you are going to take it all off, is it worth looking at external insulation before re-rendering?

I know the local councils done a lot of it recently to some of their properties no idea if it is any good but worth a thought.

No way. Lol the house is really warm in winter. We have fans on in the bedrooms with windows open. It's one hell if an insulated house. Plus I have heard bad things about the external insulation from a few builders. Expensive and not as good as made out to be apparently.
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