I've got a homeserver which the storage is around 80% full and I need to add a couple more drives for now, I currently have 2x Sata PCI cards and 2x tv tuners so that is all my PCI slots taken.
Is there anyway of adding more Sata ports or any PCI cards with more than 4x Sata ports? which also have a reasonable transfer speeds (I've already tried a Syba 8 port card but transfer speeds were less than 10MB/s)
I've got a homeserver which the storage is around 80% full and I need to add a couple more drives for now, I currently have 2x Sata PCI cards and 2x tv tuners so that is all my PCI slots taken.
Is there anyway of adding more Sata ports or any PCI cards with more than 4x Sata ports? which also have a reasonable transfer speeds (I've already tried a Syba 8 port card but transfer speeds were less than 10MB/s)