Extremely Pointless Counting Thing


...oh, we've gone past 2....

OMG, who would actually play that game. ^^^^^^^

Searching "Seventeen" in google images, the entire first page was pr0n.

dmpoole said:
I'm sure I beat that when I was in hospital and I couldn't go for 5 days.

Same here, I was in hospital for a fortnight with a twisted bowel! When that eventually blew it was like an apocalyptic event.
Zefan said:
How does one go about *twisting* one's bowl...?

I don't know, the last thing I remembered was passing out due to the severe abdominal pain. You when you need a crap really bad and it hurts you to the point where you can barely stand up straight? Well multiply that pain a hundred fold and you're getting close to what I felt!
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