F.E.A.R setup?

17 Jun 2005
Hi all
Ive reciently installed FEAR, but i seem to be plauged by 1/2 to 1 second pauses when entering new rooms etc.

My pc sppec is..

x1800xt 512mb (overclocked)

amd fx55 clawhammer (stock settings

1gb corsair xmsproxl ram (them led ones)

surely this is good enough to ru fear maxed out?

can anyone help me with a setup for this game?
Yup, the 2GB of ram is the most important. You might also want to try disabling soft shadows and/or making sure you have advanced HD sound disabled. Sometimes those can cause pauses too, iirc.
F.E.A.R. is a proper system crippler. The particles are pretty, and I'm sure the soft shadows look nice, but I'm not sure how the rest of it manages to be so demanding.
I tried it with a X1900XT-X and 1gb ram. It ran like ****. Put another gig in there and mmmmm.
Yeah, 2 gigs is the break-point. (god I seem to be repeating myself a lot today :/)

I'm running on a [email protected], 2GB ram and a 7800GTX (slightly OC'd) and I can run everything on maximum apart from soft shadows (off) at 1280x960. AA is 4x TR and AF is 8x. It runs pretty nice at those settings but this has only been possible since the newish nvidia drivers that increased FEAR performance. Before that I had to drop it to 1024 and sometimes only 2x AA :/
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I found that turning the texture resolution down from high stopped the pauses for me, this really taxes your card.

I also went from 1gig - 2gig but found the only difference was the load times.
I just bought F.E.A.R. today (slow-poke, I know), here is my benchmark result in 1280x960 with pretty much all settings maxed. :D I was highly impressed with that, as I expected something like 20%+ to be under 25fps, and tried a few rounds of online play to be sure the benchmark wasn't lying. I think having 2GB RAM is definitely making the world of difference.
Yeah, like I said I was expecting much less myself. :confused: I'm not complaining, though! :eek:

Here's the settings, I took a bunch of Fraps screenies of the menus and spliced together so that it saves me uploading five seperate screenies:-

Does fear cope reasonably with multi-cpu systems?

I've got a dual Xeon 2.8Ghz with 3Gb of RAM and an X850XT but ti still seems to stutter (well not quite stutter, but it is a noticable drop in fps) at 1280 x 1024 even with most settings at medium
I'd say the graphics card is the bottleneck there. I just had to drop a few settings to medium myself so I could use 1280x960 and 4xAA.

Had to get rid of shadows completely, too.
That's crazy. Aside from soft shadows, I can run everything maxed at 1280x960, 4xAA, 8xAF... and I'd have thought an x1800xt would perform better than my 7800GTX256.
I'll see what happens when I mess with the settings. I just whacked everything to medium once I noticed slow-down without trying each setting to see what happened, not had time for that yet.
Exsomnis said:
Just tried messing with the settings, got this result in the in-game benchmark with these settings. A definite improvement in both performance and IQ. :)
you might want to check out http://www.tweakguides.com/FEAR_1.html as it shows what all the changes make in the settings and helps get you an ideal setup.
I will post my setup/scores when I get home from work.
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