F.E.A.R setup?

Andy Pandy said:
woah 133 max! i havent even seen 80 max before :(. What settings u on?

its the minumum that you really need to worry about, a max of 133 is useless if it drops to 20 every 10 secs,, got a good average though so should play reasonable :)
Exsomnis said:
Thanks a lot. I used their BF2 and Oblivion guides, didn't know they hade one for FEAR. :D
Hey - no problem :)
Heres my setup:

And heres my performance:

Using AMD 3000 and 9800pro :o Which, to be honest, I still dont find too bad !
Only 9% below 25fps is great IMO considering the graphics card you're using.
Soft shadows + AA = normal shadows

Yup, it doesnt support both with ATI or Nvidia, so if using AA there's no point in having soft shadows checked :p
Exsomnis said:
Only 9% below 25fps is great IMO considering the graphics card you're using.
yeah - thats what im thinking !
So far the only game that is pretty unplayble is GRAW where it sits at 30FPS but drops to ~15 in combat scenes :(
Was about to upgade to a 1900xt, but going to wait it out for Conroe (well I will need a PCI-e motherboard anyway ;) ) and then either for DX10 cards or the price to fall even further on the 1900xt (or better). I specailly think its worth waiting now that I hear that the Crysis demo at E3 was run on a 1900 crossfire setup, which though nice to see it running so well, makes me realise that it needs a bleeding-edge setup to run acceptably !
no_1_dave said:
Soft shadows + AA = normal shadows

Yup, it doesnt support both with ATI or Nvidia, so if using AA there's no point in having soft shadows checked :p

I could've sworn that this issue was sorted in a driver/fear update?

Or was it just that they made it auto-switch out of the unsupported mode?
Aekeron said:
Yeah, 2 gigs is the break-point. (god I seem to be repeating myself a lot today :/)

I'm running on a [email protected], 2GB ram and a 7800GTX (slightly OC'd) and I can run everything on maximum apart from soft shadows (off) at 1280x960. AA is 4x TR and AF is 8x. It runs pretty nice at those settings but this has only been possible since the newish nvidia drivers that increased FEAR performance. Before that I had to drop it to 1024 and sometimes only 2x AA :/
Same system as me but my 7800GTX is well OCed.
I run at 1600x1200 with 2x AF/AA.
SOft Shadows off for me as well.
Runs nice
It was one a while back.. 82.40 or something iirc...

Hmm.. I'll have to compare 1600 with 2x AA against 1280 wtih 4xAA - I think I opted for my original choice because FEAR is really bad for aliasing and I still noticed it at high res..Hmm. Might be time for me to go back and look again.

Think I got my gtx to 490/1.35ish in nice weather...wasn't too impressed with the OC to be honest...need to mod the cooler :)
I run it with the system in my sig, and i run it with all details, AA x4 and AS x 16 at 1024x768, the video test is averaging about 85fps.
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