nope, still no joy, heres the log
Ask before connecting: No
[16:09:51] - User name: Babyface_UK (Team 10)
[16:09:51] - User ID: 17AB4AF2595A0532
[16:09:51] - Machine ID: 1
[16:09:51] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:09:51] + Benchmarking ...
[16:09:55] The benchmark result is 4368
[16:09:55] - Autosending finished units...
[16:09:55] Trying to send all finished work units
[16:09:55] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[16:09:55] - Autosend completed
[16:09:58] - Preparing to get new work units...
[16:09:58] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:09:58] - Will indicate memory of 510 MB
[16:09:58] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:09:58] Connecting to
[16:09:59] Posted data.
[16:09:59] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[16:09:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[16:09:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:09:59] Connecting to
[16:09:59] Posted data.
[16:09:59] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server
[16:10:00] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:10:00] - Will indicate memory of 510 MB
[16:10:00] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:10:00] Connecting to
[16:10:00] Posted data.
[16:10:00] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[16:10:00] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[16:10:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:10:00] Connecting to
[16:10:01] Posted data.
[16:10:01] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server
[16:10:01] Got 0 more work units.
[16:10:01] + Closed connections
[16:10:01] + Processing work unit
[16:10:01] Core required: FahCore_65.exe
[16:10:01] Core found.
now why won't it connect to a work server.
Any ideas.
Babyface UK