Facebook comment ban

OP it's probably some computer program that can't see the context.

Last week I got my first social media ban on twitter for 12 hours, for telling a thug who wanted to beat someone up, that why doesn't he beat himself up instead.

I got the 12 hour ban for the promotion of self harm.

haha, on this kinda topic...

I had a picture of Nazi stuff from the bovington tank museum on my Instagram, ended up getting into an argument with someone as ya do, they were non ironically calling me a nazi because of that one picture on my instagram, they then reported it and it was auto removed, because ya know, a Nazi flag and other paraphernalia is so offensive that merely seeing it, regardless of context, is triggering to social media companies.... and some people so it seems.
OP it's probably some computer program that can't see the context.

Last week I got my first social media ban on twitter for 12 hours, for telling a thug who wanted to beat someone up, that why doesn't he beat himself up instead.

I got the 12 hour ban for the promotion of self harm.

Yeah its just a bot social media use them all the time, not that I'm defending faceache god forbid.
You see this a lot on the GME/BB/NOK meme stock subs on Facebook. It is common place to call each other smooth brained apes on the Wall Street Bets sub-forum; but the Facebook algo is picking it up as racism and banning folk.
I’m not on Facebook, nor have I ever been, but I feel that the lesson you might have learned from that
exchange would be, was it a good idea in joining Facebook in the first place?

Absolutely, I run a very successful local artist music group advertising gigs with nearly 8000 members. The vast majority of my friends are musicians or gig goers.
I'm in a wonderful family group that can't be emulated on any other platform.
I could go on about other Groups that are way better than other platforms.
My mistake was joining a Group called Flat Earth Society No Trolls for a laugh.
You are one of the many people who have no idea how Facebook works to your advantage.
Facebook sponsored - A video is uploaded, 20k views, lots of shares - A Hitler Reacts video = Nothing happens
I post a Hitler React video to Call of Duty Warzone, in a private group = Instant 14 day ban
I stopped FB a decade ago because I disliked my relatives, and some friends, more when I could see the utter tripe they were posting.

If I'm going to spend time reading bad opinions and talking condescendingly on the Internet, and I am absolutely going to spend my time doing that, then much better that it's with strangers.

I have a few ex commercial hens. If there are any issues I haven't come across before people usually respond in under an hour. Can't think anywhere else I'd get that.

It's also caused others to rehome hens. So less go to slaughter
You have to realise that the leftists envisage a world where racism and anything they deem offensive doesn't exist at all, presumably because actions and speech are so tightly controlled that nobody dare do or say anything they aren't allowed to - but it's a utopia to them.

It's like you say, you'll always get a few bad apples but in the leftist utopia they've most likely been genocided along with all of the other lovers of individual freedom, you can't have freedom without the freedom to offend people.

The best thing to do is forget about racial difference and unite behind commonalities like nationality or the fact that we all belong to the human race but with groups like BLM constantly reminding people to stay in their own lane what hope is there of that.

Is this a creative writing assignment?
Friendface is where it's at you noobs and if anyone abuses you on there call the law on 0118 999 88199 9119 725..........................3
Thank god. Stand down mmj.
Lmao mmj and his constant blaming of those pesky “lefties”.
If someone’s food is cold…blame the lefties.
If your car doesn’t start in the morning…blame those damned lefties…

Such a sad pathetic outlook in life mmj has, I’m still surprised the mods in here haven’t cancelled his leftie blaming ass :p
I can't stand Facebook full stop but it isn't the only place online where you can get arbitrarily banned or suspended and the appeals process (if there even is one!) is so convoluted that it's just not worth doing!

Oh and Facebook Marketplace - list item for sale at a very reasonable £20 & within minutes you've got people messaging you saying "Will you take 87p for it?" :mad::mad::mad:
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