Facebook groups and allegations

This sounds similar to many posts on my local town groups, strange.

The people bemoaning Facebook, you don't have to be part of local gossip groups, you can hide any mates who posts junk too. I use it as an alternative to the old Yahoo groups for my hobbies, there's loads for model railways, art etc and I'm on a few of those.

I'll admit much of social media, even here is a huge waste of time which is ultimately meaningless if I was to miss any of the random crap posted.
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I was asked by a mother, why I was taking photos of her daughter.
(she must have been 4-6yrs old).

I told her to sod off, as clearly I was taking photos of my 6yr old son who was standing right in front of me getting soaked. (at a splash pad park thing)...

She then went off shouting nonsense at anyone who could hear her....

Karens will be karens.
I was asked by a mother, why I was taking photos of her daughter.
(she must have been 4-6yrs old).

I told her to sod off, as clearly I was taking photos of my 6yr old son who was standing right in front of me getting soaked. (at a splash pad park thing)...

She then went off shouting nonsense at anyone who could hear her....

Karens will be karens.

Wad she fit?

(The mother that is)
I think there should be some legal reaction when people are accusing others of one of the worst crimes possible.

We know people have been murdered due to false accusations of innocent people.
I do use Marketplace to sell the odd thing tho. Sold a cooly box on there few weeks ago...

This is the only reason why I reactivated mine. Marketplace can be really good if you can avoid getting scammed.

Edit: I deleted the app again after reading this and remembering what a waste of time it is. I don't need to buy crap on Facebook marketplace. I don't need any encouragement!
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