Facebook question

18 Jul 2006

I want to make it so that one person cannot see when my birthday is, i.e show up on their home page saying Ken's birthday is tomorrow.

Can I do this by not allowing them to view my basic information?
No idea I'm afraid mate - hate the new facebook!!
On another note how come preseason no.1 Georgia are now 11th ??
A combo of things really, we have an incredible number of injures (including me) and our offensive line is incredibly young and inexperienced, there is no one older then a sophomore, Our center is a freshman too.

We've been giving away far too many penalties too, people are aware how good our running back is and have got him covered appropriately and as such, last years highest rushing yard running back and Heinemann nominee, was limited to something like 34 yards against Alabama.

It's not looking good for us this year.

I want to make it so that one person cannot see when my birthday is, i.e show up on their home page saying Ken's birthday is tomorrow.

Can I do this by not allowing them to view my basic information?

At the top right when you log in click Settings, then Privacy Settings, then Profile.

Here you will see a list, you can sort of configure it what you want certain people not to see, after you have done deciding what you don't want 'someone' to see, then they is a option below each section to add a person to the block list for that certain 'blocked section'.
Related to this question (sorry to hijack thread). Is it possible to block people on facebook chat? I've not managed to find the option.
Maybe I'm wrong, but surely if you don't want someone to know when you're birthday is or don't want them to talk to you then they're not really a friend and you may as well just remove them?

Unless you want to stalk them of course :p
Maybe I'm wrong, but surely if you don't want someone to know when you're birthday is or don't want them to talk to you then they're not really a friend and you may as well just remove them?
No because say you don't like said person or they've been annoying you. You might not want them seeing certain stuff however you don't want them to know that you don't like them etc
No because say you don't like said person or they've been annoying you. You might not want them seeing certain stuff however you don't want them to know that you don't like them etc

LOL most peoples problems of a similar nature dissapear outside of the playground.....

Why would you keep the pretense of friendship when they annoy you and you don't want to talk to them?
Why would you keep the pretense of friendship when they annoy you and you don't want to talk to them?
Because a) I never see them as I live hours from where I used to live. b) No need to offend someone without good reason... c)one of the guys practically begged me to friend him. The other has made some lifestyle choices I disagree with hence I don't particularly associate with him... d)there are some things I don't mind them seeing however other things I'd prefer to keep more private (eg I don't care if they see my status updates, but I don't want to talk to them on facebook chat).
If the 13yr old who hes been flexing his biceps at finds out hes over 20, her dad will kick his ass
Go to the settings option at the top and select Privacy Settings. Click the Profile option.
In the Basic Info drop down menu, select Customise. Put the name of the person you want to block in the space at the bottom under Except these people.
Click OK
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

This will also block out all the other basic info though.

I want to make it so that one person cannot see when my birthday is, i.e show up on their home page saying Ken's birthday is tomorrow.

Can I do this by not allowing them to view my basic information?

Facebook shows birthdays a week in advance I think. So it might be too late.
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