Our so called electrical graduate, with a Meng in electrical power systems or something today asked to borrow my multimeter to check the incoming supply at a socket, which was odd as all the three pronged sockets on site are 230-240 only the officail 110volt sockets are used for the 110 supplies.
I thought maybe he waschecking to see if there was a fault causing a voltage dip, so lent him my newly calibrated multimeter to him, 10 mins later he returns claiming my multimeter was faulty, so he grabs one of the other techs multimeter and disapears off and returns again saying this one was faulty.
"suspicions raised"
he then grabs the engieers multimeter, I decided to tag along to see what he was doing. he friggs the socket so the neutral and live terminals are uncovered and plugs the multimeter in, Which would be fine if he was checking the voltage output. He then turns to me and exclaims that this multimete was faulty and that we were not looking after our tools correctly.
I look down and check what mode he was in, he seemed to be in current, I pointed this out to him and he replied matter of factly how else was he going to check if the socket could put out enough ampage to power the inverter he ordered...
Face palm was only just enough to cover it, inverter was designed for a big three phase motor not designed for a 240 socket at any point.
A quick explation with what he was doing wrong and what the implications of such a stupid act could have been.
Lets jsut say I'm glad all meters are fitted with a 500mA inline fuse...
I thought maybe he waschecking to see if there was a fault causing a voltage dip, so lent him my newly calibrated multimeter to him, 10 mins later he returns claiming my multimeter was faulty, so he grabs one of the other techs multimeter and disapears off and returns again saying this one was faulty.
"suspicions raised"
he then grabs the engieers multimeter, I decided to tag along to see what he was doing. he friggs the socket so the neutral and live terminals are uncovered and plugs the multimeter in, Which would be fine if he was checking the voltage output. He then turns to me and exclaims that this multimete was faulty and that we were not looking after our tools correctly.
I look down and check what mode he was in, he seemed to be in current, I pointed this out to him and he replied matter of factly how else was he going to check if the socket could put out enough ampage to power the inverter he ordered...
Face palm was only just enough to cover it, inverter was designed for a big three phase motor not designed for a 240 socket at any point.
A quick explation with what he was doing wrong and what the implications of such a stupid act could have been.
Lets jsut say I'm glad all meters are fitted with a 500mA inline fuse...
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