Factions with henchman

chimaera said:
Apart from the fact that rangers are wimps ;)

Gotta stoke that PvP fire :D

Well, I'm only doing it because Hunter is one of the few classes I never played in WoW along with the pallie. :D

WHat would be the closest to a WoW druid in GW?

I know there is no shapeshifting, but a balance of healing/melee/offensive magic?
krooton said:
Well, I'm only doing it because Hunter is one of the few classes I never played in WoW along with the pallie. :D

WHat would be the closest to a WoW druid in GW?

I know there is no shapeshifting, but a balance of healing/melee/offensive magic?

A Ranger/Ele springs to mind. Can heal, dish out damage (barrage build) but not really melee. Can have a 'pet' too, and lay traps.

Warriors are primarily melee and not good for big magic spells.
Ele is a nuker with lots of magic
Monks heal and smite
Necros are either offensive magic (with Me secondary) or raise Minion's (with Mo secondary)
Mesmer steal magic and cause grief in PvP (hard class though for PvE)
krooton said:
a balance of healing/melee/offensive magic?

Just remember that the game is designed so that your character can integrate into a team, certain classes are more flexible that others i.e a monk can be smiting, healing, protection or a combo of all 3. Remember though that each class is reliant on skills more than weapons therefore is no real perfecty balance of healing/melee and offensive magic, in GW it is better to excel in one or two areas than try to balance 3 attribute sets in one.

Monk/Warrior or Warrior/Monk would seem like the obvious choices (but beware, there are millions of them out there :)

I recommend a smiting/protection monk (you can always swap to healing at any time due to the attribute points system).

Secondary I would recommend Mesmer for Energy management skills.

weeble said:
A Ranger/Ele springs to mind. Can heal, dish out damage (barrage build) but not really melee. Can have a 'pet' too, and lay traps.

Problem there is high Ele energy cost but low energy as a Ranger, maybe Ele/Ra although you then lose the healing that you want.
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I have a monk/warrior as well, as i wanted a class that can support as well as dish out some damage.

The only problem is once you get into a team unless there are other monks you're putting your name down for healing duties. Your team mates wont be happy if you join up and fill your skill bar with offensive spells :p

Oh and also expect people to scream at you often if they die. i had this one guy shout obcenities at me once because he was so much better than everyone else, by the time his health got low i'd used up all my energy healing and rezzing everyone else.....hence he complained non stop that i let him die :o

When i'm done with my ritualist i'll shift my monk over to cantha and change my secondary profession to ranger or something, or maybe mesmer.
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FWIW, I've beaten Prophecies and Factions with just Henchies. All missions and quests, with various characters no problems :)

I don't understand how people have trouble with certain missions using Henchman. Granted, some missions are more difficult than others (depending on what class you are playing/what skills you've got available at the time) but they are all doable if you think it through.
Ozzie Dave said:
I don't understand how people have trouble with certain missions using Henchman.

To be honest with you, I don't understand why people choose to play through an online game alone, I've henchied most missions but find it much more fun on TS with guild members.
Sweetloaf said:
To be honest with you, I don't understand why people choose to play through an online game alone, I've henchied most missions but find it much more fun on TS with guild members.

I will be doing that, but as I plan to play casually, being able to solo things is a big plus.

My druid was mainly pre-patch, so I was lumped into healing regardless, so maybe monk/ranger, so I can do ranged damage support if necessary?

I quite like healing, pretty decent at it :)
krooton said:
I will be doing that, but as I plan to play casually, being able to solo things is a big plus.

My druid was mainly pre-patch, so I was lumped into healing regardless, so maybe monk/ranger, so I can do ranged damage support if necessary?

I quite like healing, pretty decent at it :)

I think you'll have the same issue as me with my monk, i bought a sweet axe because i like getting stuck in smacking things upside their head.

But the problem is the monk staffs give you some real nice bonus's when you're healing like +10 energy, +1 healing spells etc etc, whilst an axe wont as its designed for warriors. Maybe you'll be ok with a bow, but make sure you get a nice staff as thats your primary weapon of choice.

I found myself using my staff 90% of the time, but then if someone comes up close switching to brutal mode and letting it rip with my axe. I don't know if its just the monk class but i found myself switching skills and weapons almost every time i got a new mission, with my ritualist its the total opposite, same skills since lvl 15.
Sweetloaf said:
To be honest with you, I don't understand why people choose to play through an online game alone, I've henchied most missions but find it much more fun on TS with guild members.

Did I say I soloed it exclusively? :p

I've grouped with others a fair bit, so I certainly haven't missed out on that....no, I did them all with Henchies just for the challenge of doing it that way.

Besides, some of the trickier missions I've actually gone back and helped friends/guildies through.
chimaera said:
Gotta defend my characters honour here :p

My ritualist is a damage dealing killing machine. As a lead character they do suck as they cant take much damage, but as a support character in a group its great.

Takes a few seconds to lay down spirits, but once you've got 3 down all doing 15+ damage per hit you can get a regular stream of about 60+ dmg (including your character + spirits), also i have necro secondary which means up to 5/6 minions doing 8 damage each.

Plus they're versatile, i've had monks thanking me for rezzing them mid battle therefore saving everyone else from a quick death. I can re-spec to a healing machine and be a secondary monk.

I love my ritualist, its a tough class to play with but if you get it right they can be so powerful.

Gotta agree there. I love the Ritualist class. Before Factions my Mesmer was the fav for me but Rit is just as fun and challenging.

They are indeed a very versatile class :) So many ways to play it, not counting your secondary profession. I often play as a pure Ritualist.
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