Failed My Driving Theory :(

Neon said:
i didnt do any revision or any hazard perceptions before,.

Thats the reason you failed. You shouldnt have expected to pass without doing some revision. I wouldnt want to go into an exam (that I paid money for) knowing that I havent done as much as I could to ensure I dont fail. Revise next time and you will pass.
Don't worry, I know someone who 7 times before passing the theory part, and has yet to pass the pratical (8 attemps) 2 years later so she has to re-take it.

I really don't think she should be allowed on the road.
[TW]Fox said:
You mean people actually fail the multiple choice theory test?

How is that possible?

What question did you get wrong...

'You come across a traffic accident. Do you:

a) Phone the emergency services
b) Drive past
c) Offer the drive a ciggerette
d) turn around and go the other way'

Seriously, its full of questions like that, how anyone can fail it is beyond me, even if you screw up the only complex questions there, the braking distances, you can still get up to 5 wrong!

Seriously, I'm sure most of mine were like

Two elderly pedestrians are crossing the road in front of you. Do you:

a. Offer them a stiff drink
b. Sound your horn to hurry them across
c. Rev your engine loudly
d. Wait for them to cross the road
robmiller said:
Seriously, I'm sure most of mine were like

Two elderly pedestrians are crossing the road in front of you. Do you:

a. Offer them a stiff drink
b. Sound your horn to hurry them across
c. Rev your engine loudly
d. Wait for them to cross the road

these were quite a bit more complicated than that.
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