failed my mod 1 :'(

3 Apr 2011
totally bummed out, was a nice sunny day 2 weeks ago but a lil bit breezy and test got cancelled so been a bit on edge waiting for it.

get to the test centre today and its a bit rainy but nothing too bad, start the test and do everything perfect, best U turns and Figures of 8 I've ever done. go to do the emergency stop, I got a bit hung up on the "you must be going 50kph", as I went through the trap I looked down at my speedo, when I looked up he was there with his hand up in the air, I panicked a bit and left throttle open somehow as I braked, I still stopped in good time but apparently I was a hazard to the fabric of space and time and he stopped the test there and then. bummer as I wanted to at least finish the test for experience.

ah well, only thing I'm upset about is getting time off work as I have no holidays left lol.
My school has their own yard. It's no where near as nice as the test yard but does the job. Just a waiting game now, I'll feel better once in booked in ready for the resit.

Thanks for the moral support guys. Really helps ^^
Just waiting for a resit date at the minute, my instructor has a couple of weeks off so it's killing me waiting haha!.
Had my retest today, done some of the worst figure of 8's and U turns I've ever done but managed to pass. Starred the tester right in the eye balls this time for the emergency stop.

Woop so glad that's over with.
Sorry hear you failed the first but Gratz on the pass.

Why is the test in KPH and not MPH? I think I'd fail that.

its in compliance with the EU standard. hence KPH. funnily enough the test centres across our country were all built because you have to do 32mph for an emergency stop, you cant do 32 on UK roads in 30 zone and cant emergency stop on a 40, hence all these test centres been built.
mod 2 was meant to be on Tuesday but got cancelled due to the rain, rebooked for next Tuesday (the 5th). seems to be taking ages to get this licence
Woop passed mod 2 today. Hey.

Got 3 minors, said I swan necked a bit. I can live with that and learn to correct it.
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