Fallout 4 possibly/hopefully

I loved FO3 but thought New Vegas was awful, compared to games like Oblivion and Skyrim it doesn't feel as convincing so they've got a lot of work cut out to catch up now.

Hope they pull it off but I'll get it when it's on Steam sale..
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To be honest after Borderlands 2 I think I've been spoilt, I'm not sure they can catch up that much ;) Plus Handsome Jack was probably the best villain in any game so far!
I loved FO3 but thought New Vegas was awful, compared to games like Oblivion and Skyrim it doesn't feel as convincing so they've got a lot of work cut out to catch up now.

Lol really? Other way around for me. I prefer good quests, story and dialogue over the setting. New Vegas felt more like a Fallout title than 3 did, way more. That's probably because it's the people who made Fallout 2 that made NV.
Lol really? Other way around for me. I prefer good quests, story and dialogue over the setting. New Vegas felt more like a Fallout title than 3 did, way more. That's probably because it's the people who made Fallout 2 that made NV.

Same here, loved New Vegas

Only thing I preferred about Fallout 3 was the atmosphere really
To be honest after Borderlands 2 I think I've been spoilt, I'm not sure they can catch up that much ;) Plus Handsome Jack was probably the best villain in any game so far!

I think they are slightly different variants on the theme; BL2 is more focused on arcade-style action, looting, humour and so forth whereas FO3 has stronger characterisation, dialogue and so forth.

I enjoyed both games but the impression I get is that in years to come I will look back fondly on FO3 as an 'epic experience' that I'd like to experience again, whereas BL2 was very much a "OK I'm done now, it was fun while it lasted" type affair. And the former is very much what I look for from RPGs.
It's a Bethesda game, it'll be buggy, it'll drive you insane, it'll keep you up until 4am.

Reduceth thy volume, receiveth my coin verily.
BS or not, I can't wait for new Fallout game. It's probably the only thing I'd buy outright (along with HL3, of course) without thinking. I miss the atmosphere and sense of adventure the games gave. Preferred FL3's more temperate location more though.
Fallout 3 was great I spent hours,days,months and 6 years on it and still play it.

NV I played about 3hrs of it never went back due to a bug would not let me get past a part.

We will all bi*ch and moan about how bad FO3/FONV was but we will still be buying FO4 as no matter what one says they are still good games.
Yeah, I preferred FO3 to NV not least because of the amount of continuity bugs in NV. One of them related to a side mission run out of a bar that wasn't the end of the world (other than the fact it would just sit there in my journal forever and I wouldn't get the reward for it), but the other related to the Hoover dam and rendered a primary quest (and thus the game) uncompletable. In the end I had to look up a code to type in the console to complete the quest.
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