Fallout 4 possibly/hopefully

The movement mod or w/e it was did work as I remember doing it. I can just see them killing this series, we all know FO3 was a masterpiece and imo needs to stop there and go on to something fresh. I have the same concerns for Witcher 3 but it does actually look quite promising.
I'll bet Fallout 4 will be the last one. That makes me a little bit sad, but I NEED this one! :D
I loved FO3, but NV seemed too slow. I dont know whether it was down to the large wide open spaces, but it just seemed like you were at walking pace, even when running. I'd get halfway to a map marker and realise i needed to go somewhere else and just couldn't be bothered to spend another 20 mins walking over a barren desert.

I tried a mod that was supposed to give you a faster sprint speed, but couldn't get it to work (what a surprise).

Hopefully if they do make another it will be more like skyrim with regards to movement speed.

You can increase the move speed with a console command, I found the walk speed too slow in both NV and FO3.

It's SetGS fmoverunmult #

It works pretty well.
Appropriate signature is appropriate. :)

I must admit I copy/pasted from a link I found whilst on my phone, dah. Please disregard.

Or allow it to further whip you into a FO4 frenzy. Either way. :D
Can't wait! The future 50's styling of the game kinda freaked me out a little, loved that they had Liam Neeson in, great touch.


AHHHH I hate hate hate hate it!
Can't wait! The future 50's styling of the game kinda freaked me out a little, loved that they had Liam Neeson in, great touch.


AHHHH I hate hate hate hate it!

Brings back memories of travelling through the wasteland with dogmeat then BOOM he steps on a mine at the playground and dies.

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OMG please please please let this be true!

I love/d FO3 and was rather disappointed with NV in all honesty I really felt that the gimmicks in the game rather ruined it (e.g. making your own ammo) however, I then modded it to high heaven and went in to the stratosphere in how good it was!

*crosses fingers, toes and every other body part imaginable*

I put 1000+ hours into both Fallout 3 and NV, I loved them both, so I don't mind which one it's going to be a sequel to - just as long as it's one of them :)
Fallout 3 was soul wrenching, it was creepy, it made me question my morales, it made me think deeply, I got engrossed, tried to put myself in the characters shoes, it triggered me into wondering how I would have felt. Even the music and the colour scheme added to the overall experience for me. Nothing was too alive, the people were broken. The surroundings were deserted, depressing, hopeless and dusty. I could sense peoples desperation in the final moments, I could sense the broken minds and the suffering. It made me think "what if this had actually happened?" and it made me realise how real the possibility of something like that happening is. It made me wonder how I would live in that world. All of those things helped to make Fallout 3 great. New Vegas just didn't have that 'magic'.

Did I mention that Fallout 3 is my favourite videogame of all time and I consider it a masterpiece? :D

I am just praying that Fallout 4 brings back that 'magic'.

Yep couldn't agree more. It was magic, disturbing.. every time I switched the pc.. here we go again boys.. it really was like walking a into a dank seedy bar.
I've got 5 favourite games, this is one of them

Dungeon Master (Atari ST)
Renegade (ZX spectrum)
Fallout 3 (PC)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PC)

forgot the other,, leave space for that
guys i come across this


This newly registered domain has one too many Fallout 4 hints to not be related to the post-apocalyptic series.


only image i could find sorry

keep going whitetop
I just want a new engine... not gamebryo... not again :(

Something that supports 6-8 cores and has good graphical scalability.
Fallout 4 - all but confirmed?

Following the discovery of what many believe to be a Fallout 4 teaser site, Fallout publisher Bethesda Softworks has trademarked the game in Europe.

The Fallout 4 registration was discovered on the website of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Markets, which is the official trademark office of the European Union.

While trademarks should never be taken as 100% confirmation of a game's existence, the timing seems more than coincidental considering the discovery of 'The Survivor 2299' teaser site recently, registered to Bethesda's parent company ZeniMax Media Inc. Further, Bethesda has had the opportunity to trademark the game for years; why now?

Bethesda declined to comment on whether or not it owned the Survivor 2299 web domain, which is counting down to December 11 in Morse code. (Thanks, Redditors!)

We'll find out in December whether these clues are actually proof of something, or whether we're getting radiation-hot under the collar for nothing.


Please be coming!
wish they made normal fallout nothing like 3 and and vegas , finished fallout 2 more then 10 times didn't finish 3 and vegas
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