Fallout 4 - still happening?

25 Jul 2014
As a huge fan of the old Fallout games, Fallout 3 and New Vegas I'm disappointed at the lack of news over any Fallout 4.

I heard it's set near Boston and the Institute may be in it but I'm starting to think this game is going the way of Half Life 3.

Anyone else think it's been put on hold?
I think they might be running into delays because they have probably realised that they have run 2 Elder Scrolls games and a Fallout game (plus Obsidian's excellent Fallout New Vegas) on roughly the same engine.

So they are now having to start from scratch and building a wholly new engine for Fallout 4, Elder Scrolls 6 etc. It's like Squenix with Final Fantasy XV, they are having to not only develop a new game, but also have maybe had to scrap and reinvent the engine running it.

So I predict Fallout 4 will happen, and having seen the news about E3 I expect it will be out in 2016 with Elder Scrolls 6 coming a year later.
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