Fallout 76

Kind of disappointed they aren't announcing a full single player Elder Scrolls game. With the active expansions to the MMO game coming (Summerset Isle) I can only presume they are putting any single player plans on hold in favour of Fallout.

Still - probably a day one purchase for me Fo4 was awesome.

It's been confirmed it's an online survival mmo like Day Z already. Hence why I won't be buying it .

Edit: not confirmed sorry, just reported .
Not sure. For me though, Fallout is a single player offline game and I'd never want that to change.
This could be epic. I enjoyed the base building in FO4 a great deal, but it was always a little hollow as nobody else got to see it, or appreciate the trophy shelf of severed heads. Your base was also rarely attacked. If you can get together with some mates in this, scavenge for parts, build proper mad max style towns with shacks and spike pits and invade other ppls to nick their stuff, it will be great!
Not sure about this tbh. I like my Fallout single player I’m not a massive multiplayer fan..

Will reserve judgement until more is known.
Heard about this being in development and got excited, then read about the MMO side.... it has dampened my excitement somewhat. Doesn't really feel like Fallout needs to be a multiplayer game.
They said it could be played totally solo,
I'm interested but TBH i never got far into fallout 4 it just wasn't as good as 3 or NV and just didnt grab me and other games pulled me away.

Not sure its coming out in a very crowded window so maybe next summer on a sale.
I got reasonably far in FO4, but my interest also waned by the end. This happens with most Bethesda games tbh - New Vegas being an exception (which might be because Obsidian did it). This, on the other hand, sounds like it might be great. Explore the wastes with a few friends, collect materials, build a base. Attack other ppls bases?
Don't see how solo will work when organised groups of players get a foothold.

They have said its going to be a handful of players per instance so you may be able to play solo and not run into a group and get ganked. The map is supposedly 4x bigger than Fo4 so its a definite possibility to enjoy this solo.

I would assume there will be a flashpoint type mechanic that pops up on the map with the nukes going off that are supposed to give access to the rare and exotic loot.

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