Fallout New Vegas

12 Dec 2005
I've never played Fallout 3, would jumping straight in to New Vegas be wise? I don't want to play Fallout 3 because I imagine it looks rather dated now and I want to play something more modern.

I can get the New Vegas ultimate edition for £7 or the normal edition for £2. Is the extra DLC worth it?
I not played much yet but def get the DLC's as well. :)

I am sure others that has played it will agree that you should get them too. :)
I wouldn't think you loose much by jumping straight into FONV, there may be some in jokes and stories, or not having the brotherhood backgrounds etc.

That said, F03 is great, and can look amazing modded. I would not miss it if I were you. It's the better game I think now, I used to be n the fence but with hindsight and a while not playing either (I was addicted and always had a game running), FO3 is better.
Never played Vegas but FO3 was amazing when it came out imo. Spent so many hours on it
I prefer the atmosphere in Fallout 3 and of the two games it's my favourite but I'd say from a mechanical point of view New Vegas is the better "game".
I think Fallout 3's graphics have held up well even without mods. And it has good enough gameplay that you don't need cutting edge graphics anyway.

Also its got story elements that are mentioned in New Vegas, so I would recommend playing it first. Make sure you get the GOTY edition so you get the DLC.
Loved them both, but I preferred 3 because there was more humour.

Graphically they both look basically the same at stock.
New Vegas is a nice game but Fallout 3 was simply better. I much prefer the atmosphere in FO3.
As always in these threads I must despair at people saying FO3 is better than New Vegas:(

New Vegas is many orders of magnitude better than 3 in every way other than maybe the setting. It features the best and most intricate quest system in RPG history, that makes 3 look like a fan-made mod, is a million times funnier and more interesting, has many, many more features(that people actually mod in to Fallout 3 to make it playable!) and has tons more content. Plus, it is probably the best example in gaming of actual role-playing.

but I preferred 3 because there was more humour.
You are the first person I have ever seen say that!...are you sure you aren't getting the games mixed up?
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As always in these threads I must despair at people saying FO3 is better than New Vegas:(

New Vegas is many orders of magnitude better than 3 in every way other than maybe the setting. It features the best and most intricate quest system in RPG history, that makes 3 look like a fan-made mod, is a million times funnier and more interesting, has many, many more features(that people actually mod in to Fallout 3 to make it playable!) and has tons more content. Plus, it is probably the best example in gaming of actual role-playing.

Agreed, thought I was the only one. FO3 just seems so horribly bland in comparison. The story and quests in NV are much more interesting to me as are the NPC's.
doesn't matter both games are great and tbh are pretty similar in terms of graphics and gameplay. I preferred the characters/story in FO3, but the map/world in FONV. whichever game you choose, I would get the "gold/ultimate" versions which include the DLC since they are cheap and do have lot of extra content. if you like rpg shooters then I am fairly certain that you will get both games once you played one ;)

can't wait for FO4 :)
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You'll not miss much except perhaps a bit of background info/history.

Fallout 3 is definitely better, it doesn't differ much from New Vegas at all graphics wase, it looks still nice in places! Fallout 3 has a nicer radio too!

There's no real reason to avoid Fo3, believe me, in those days it was the first RPG in years I actually liked, not being such a fan of RPG's, fallout 3 was superb... Great quests, some funny characters, and the world is slightly more interesting than New Vegas, New Vegas isn't bad though, and Vegas has some nice DLC!
I had a go at modding FO3 and basically ruined it:

1) standard

2) Texture Pack- nice improvement!


3)Project Reality- errr...


4) ENB- Oops...

Heh, after reading this, I dug out my FO3 GOTY edition to reinstall and (hopefully) finally complete it.

What a palaver. Refuses to install because GFWL isn't on my PC, so download and install.

Login and it stalls and then whinges about some changes I need to agree to. I agree and can finally install the game.

Then I can't install the DLC from disc 2, just hangs. Solution was to use the GFWL dis-enabler, install and then uninstall GFWL.

Got there in the end, now just need to install all the mods!
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