Fallout New Vegas

You're really missing out imo Fallout 3 was one of my favourite games. Still play it to this day. Much better than New Vegas I'd say
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I prefer f3 but both are huge games of epic proportions.

My advice: Take your time, don't fast travel. Check every building, every subway.

Savour it :-)
Attempt 2:

1) Stock + texture pack

2) + Fellout (the un-green-er)

3) + Iron Sights


4) + ENB (comparison in Spoiler)



Project reality does make it gloomy like in the photos posted before these last ones. But it is not always gloomy as such it changes all the time with weather effects. PR imo is the better mod.
Hmm... All this is interesting. I played Fallout 3 years ago when it was first released and have had NV sitting in its still-sealed case for years now too.

Whenever I'm looking for a game to fill some time, I briefly think of NV, but the thought of how dated it will look now puts me off a bit. This thread has revived my interest.

I notice the mods here are for Fallout 3 rather than NV. I've started doing a few searches for decent NV mods and have a few sites bookmarked. Anyone here got any recommendations for ones to make sure not to miss?
I want to play New Vegas and have the vanilla version in my Steam library + the Dead Money DLC. Are there any other pieces of DLC that are highly recommended? It's on offer at the moment, but would cost more to buy all the DLC than what I could get the GOTY edition for.

Also, would like to know of a few recommended mods.
I want to play New Vegas and have the vanilla version in my Steam library + the Dead Money DLC. Are there any other pieces of DLC that are highly recommended? It's on offer at the moment, but would cost more to buy all the DLC than what I could get the GOTY edition for.

Also, would like to know of a few recommended mods.

Lonesome Road and Old World Blues are widely considered (and in my opinion also) as the must have/"best" ones. Dead Money has a cool premise behind it, almost survival horror like, but it's pulled off in a pretty clunky fashion (map, difficulty curve, etc.).

Honestly I would just get the GOTY edition, it's worth it for the amount of content you get :)

BUT I don't know what's up with the current pricing. It's been much cheaper before in the past (I remember picking it up last year for £3.74 in the Summer Sale), so maybe wait till the next big Steam sale, which should be just right around the corner.

As for mods this is a handy starting guide:


Lots of people just suggest downloading the top files of the New vegas Nexus, but I suggest highly against that, especially on your first play through. Some of the higher rated mods are either complete game overhauls mods that would only make sense on a second play-through, or something weird which doesn't fit into the world and lore of Fallout. Try to keep your first play-through as "vanilla" as possible - only downloading graphical mods, patches, and stability fixes to make the game run better.

You WILL need the LOOT mod organizer, makes life so much easier. If you don't have your mod load order correct, you game will pretty much crash on start up every single time. Can be very infuriating, but luckily LOOT exists, which automatically corrects your load order so it should work.
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Both good games but found FO3 a bit buggy (seem to recall having to do a config mod to get past the loading screen). Lots of good DLC though couldn't get GFWL to set up properly and recognise Mothership Zeta last time round. Point Lookout is well hard, after you think you have the best weapons and ammo - think again, those hicks are much tougher than they look. Don't even think about playing "Dead is Dead" on that one! One disadvantage is that the main plot which is fairly linear, basically boils down to the same final mission whatever else you do during the game.

New Vegas opens things up quite a bit with multiple branches of the main story and different factions you can side with. The playing area is also relatively easy to negotiate as opposed to FO3 where your path is frequently blocked by mountains of rubble which means finding your way through the subway labyrinth. There's enough side missions that you can virtually ignore the main plot for quite some time while building up your XP and crafting etc. skills. Oh and you get to choose Felicia Day as a companion too, unless you opt for a faction or action she doesn't agree with.

My "last played" record (sad, I know) shows it's around 18 months since I last played through NV so a revival is due in the not too distant future, maybe hardcore mode for Caesar's Legion (havent tried that yet as I've always ended up
fighting the brute Legate Lanius
Both are practically the same game in terms of graphics even down to the textures in vegas being took right out of fallout 3, both are great games though. New vegas is basically what fallout 3 was with the help of modders. Bethesda basically took what we all wanted and put it in new vegas.

If i had to chose a favourite it would be fallout 3 as the story/setting and overall feel were a lot better for me. Still though get them both they won't dissapoint.
As always in these threads I must despair at people saying FO3 is better than New Vegas:(?

I scrolled down this thread post by post knowing you'd make an appearance :)

I think for many that Fallout 3 was a new experience so it leaves a more fond memory than New Vegas, which was more or less more of the same (if more polished).

OP - you have time for both!
New Vegas has undisputably vastly superior writing, dialogue, characterization , world consistency and logic.

Fallout 3 has good atmosphere, fun theme parky world and some nice set pieces.

I enjoy both, but there is no question which is better. It is New Vegas. And its DLCs make that difference even larger.
I also think that New Vegas is a much better game however I feel that I am in the minority. Whenever I see polls, Fallout 3 always comes out on top.

Whatever happens, everyone should play through fallout new vegas at least once specced as a high explosives guy. Theres nothing quite like the feeling of a belt fed grenade launcher. The slow motion death scenes are hilarious when fighting groups of people - I have a screenshot somewhere of 13 limbs in mid flight.
I think the only reason people believe that 3>NV is that it was their first Fallout experience. 3 came out with great reviews, was being called a GOTY contender, real next-gen title and all that, without properly looking at the core gameplay mechanics and content you would come to expect from a Fallout game, and tons of people bought it and enjoyed it. Can't blame them.

...then NV came out; it was more of the same really, more brown, less interesting world from the offset (wide patches of just desert towards the beginning of the game), and the main factor for it's "failure" (I don't mean it like that, just why it most likely did less well/sold less, I personally love it) was because of how buggy and broken it was at launch across all platforms. In like the first 5 mins of the game you had the Doc's head spinning, eyes fallout out of the dogs head, etc. and a bunch of crashes. I'm guessing this is what really put people off and they couldn't managed to pull through the rest.
I think the only reason people believe that 3>NV is that it was their first Fallout experience. 3 came out with great reviews, was being called a GOTY contender, real next-gen title and all that, without properly looking at the core gameplay mechanics and content you would come to expect from a Fallout game, and tons of people bought it and enjoyed it. Can't blame them.

...then NV came out; it was more of the same really.

Agreed. The order of release has everything to do with it.
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