False disabled parking signs

Get a parking warden in front of what looks like a disabled space (official or not), and the lack of blue badge will get a ticket printed and pic taken faster than you can say "We promise we don't give our parking wardens ticket targets to meet each day" ;)

Easy appeal win - space is not in the TRO for the area. They won't issue a ticket in the first place though.
If I was being petty I'd report the fake signage to the local council's relevant department.

IIRC people have painted their own bays on the road as well in the past.
Some people use them to keep the spot in front of their house free despite not being disabled. What do you think about this?
There isn't anything you can do. Is it morally right ? maybe not.

But there is no difference between fake disabled sign to any other sign. It doesn't stop anyone from parking there, and it certainly isn't enforceable by any traffic warden.
Make yourself a clearly fake disabled badge and park in front of their house as much as you like.
This is my favourite reply so far.
Tempting for the luls but no. :p

I actually have no interest in parking in front of their house. The only time I have is when they were parked in front of my house and there was nowhere else nearby to park. She shouted out of the window about the police, which I thought was nice, and I shouted back I only needed to park for a short time and enquired about their disabled status. I found this genuinely most amusing BTW without actually laughing out loud. I also pointed out that my wife actually is disabled.

Morally I'm in two minds on the subject. I can see why you would use it to reserve the spot in front of your house and you could say one fake sign does no material harm. I asked my wife if we could put one up as well and she said no way. Not even temporarily to make a point and have a bit of a laugh with the neighbours while also maybe helping them to see where they might be in the wrong. On behalf of all genuinely physically disabled people though I would have to say it's actually morally wrong.
Why would the council issue a PCN to a vehicle parked in a fake disabled space?

If a warden doesn't realise and photographs a car in the space the fine just gets issued... the individual would then have to go through the faff of appealing it and highlighting that it is a fake disabled bay though they don't know who put up the fake sign etc..
We've got a disabled bay out the front of our house from when it belonged to the missus grandad years ago - despite him passing away 15 years ago and informing the council on numerous occasions that the bay is no longer necessary we end up with a ticket every now and again. Its easily contested and dropped but you'd think that it would have been resolved by now :p
Having bought a house that has one and no sign to explain what the requirements for using it are I'm a fan, except when people who aren't me parking the civic type R in it, then I'm a burn the disabled haters to hell guy...

Feel like the councils priority is a double yellow line at the top of the street where it joins the main road so people stop parking on the corner, but know bringing that up will get "my" bay removed..
I'm tempted to suggest a genuine blue badge holder knocks on their door in their wheelchair and asks for the use of the disabled parking space.
I'm tempted to suggest a genuine blue badge holder knocks on their door in their wheelchair and asks for the use of the disabled parking space.
Any disabled spot marked on the street is free to anyone with a badge, they're usually painted outside someone's house at their request in order to put in a spot, but they're not specially for that property - if someone is parking an unbadged vehicle in it you can simply notify the council. Admittedly that won't let park there immediately but may result in the council paying more attention to who is using the spot especially once they can start to get the nice fines.
I don't intend to do anything about the fake disabled signs but this thread has been interesting. :)

Here's a quandary though. What if every house has a disabled sign to claim 'their' spot? Then it would become routine to ignore disabled parking signs and I think we can all agree that would be bad for the disabled.
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