Fan Volt Mod

15 Nov 2004
Basically i have a few vantec stealths & a few antec fans that i want to mod to 7v but from looking around i can't find out how to do it with this type of connector only a normal molex.

Thats the connector it uses, sorry about poor quality.

Any help on this would be great, Pictures of how it is done would be even better.

Thank you :)
Damn okies no worries i will be in the search of some quiter fans at somepoint the stealth thing in vantec stealth, ain't really true is it! lol :)

Any brands that are recommended? i have a 120mm antec fan off a mate with 3 fan settings that seems to be nice but i'm in need of like 3 - 4 80mm fans too :)

Thanks :)
You need a splitter cable with 3-pin male, 3-pin female and a 4-pin molex. These often come with replacement fans. If it's the right type of molex you can shuffle the pins around to get 5V or 7V. I use this method to run my Zalman GPU coolers at 5V. If it's the wrong sort of molex cut it off and solder on the right sort.

NOTE: if you use 7V make sure you cut the Ground wire going to the 3-pin female of the adapter otherwise you will short the 5V supply to ground with possibly disasterous results.

The Akasa Amber fans are good in every size except 120mm. I replaced the 3 80mm fans in my ancient Lian-Li case with them and they're very quiet.
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