Well I have got my new kit installed and used it for a few evenings. A jump from a Logitech G25 to the universal hub, 2.5 base, and V3 pedals is quite noticeable. My lap times arnt bad but getting used to the new brake pedal will take some time.
As I have been overly sensitive to the new kit, looking for any difference or issues listed below:
First bit I found was on turning, felt like a gritty bearing but I quickly dismissed this as now being able to feel the road surface, not like the G25. Im not on about slippery areas or loss of grip but the actual tarmac! I can feel the road surface, its that much better.
2: That brake pedal, I haven't installed the performance kit yet or even adjusted the preload but its so much more like my real cars. I can control the point I lock up easier but haven't mastered it yet and seem to be not pushing it on game to its maximum stopping power. This is where I am losing time on my races. Bad point here is the vibration motor to simulate locking up/ABS is almost undetectable due to the amount of force applied with your foot.
3: Vibration motor on the throttle works really good due to the lighter pressure needed to depress it. Really nice but of tech.
4: No more nagging from the wife. The G25 is noisy when rotation and even worse when high power force feedback is kicking in, this meant when she was in the room next door trying to fall asleep I was getting nagged to stop playing. The new one is almost silent when in use other than hitting kerbs but I have been given the ok to play while she attempt to sleep.
5: I went for the smallest wheel they had the clubsport round 1 at 280mm. This was to keep it as close to my road legal kit car and the G25. The wheel is fine but the upper thumb switched are adjusted in as far as they go (up against the hub) and when repositioning my hands on large tail happy corrections my thumbs are getting snagged in-between them and the rim. I am now looking at either making my own switch housings or bracket to lift the wheel and switches up from the hub.
6: As I race in VR the switches are hard to differ from each other, I will need to mod the free covers you get so they feel different from each other. Maybe one rubber, one plastic and one with a pip?
Would recommend if you have the spare cash, but the G25 is still/was I good wheel for me over the last 5 years.