Fanstatic 4

4 Jun 2007
I watched the show yesterday and it was a WOW. Although it's just 96minutes, it was funny and thrilling. I'd rate it 8/10.

Anyone watched it yet?
Nearly as bad as the first 1 in my opinion, only the brooding Silver Silver redeemed it - just dont think much of the license...

They should really drop the Fantastic 4 and just keep the Silver Surfer for the sequel as it was the only bit worth watching - so far all the comic book movies this year have been disappointing...

Wish they wouldnt make Jessica Alba look ugly with that blond hair...

All in all - special effects were average (Mr Fantastic in the dancing scene looked so fake), acting was alright for what there was, plot needed to be fleshed out (too much humane wedding plans not enough end of the world explanations) - just not enough action for me (the 'apocalyptic' end battle finished too easily/quickly)...

Definitely can tell its made for a very young audience...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I pretty much agree with ps3ud0

Went to see it yesterday, and I have to say I didn't think much of it (this coming from a person that enjoyed POTC3 and Spiderman 3, though maybe that just means I'm a rubbish critic of films)

I haven't seen the 1st F4 film (which I've heard wasn't great either), nor have I read the comics. I thought all off the characters were annoying, and also that too much of the film didn't really contribute to the storyline. Jessica Alba with blonde hair just compounded the misery. The only scene which I liked was the one with the London Eye. Other than that, I was hugely disappointed.
Sweetloaf said:
Great, I'm taking my 5 year old son to see it at the weekend :)
Hope he enjoys it - theres enough slapstick laughs and jokes that make it ideal fodder...

I think that what makes it different to to Spidey and X-Men where they have a subtle underlying adult story behind them (Spidey and his issues about allowing people close to him due to who he is; and X-Men who are effectively the misfits of the human race, but the ones that may ultimately be our saviours) F4 is just what you see on the tin, no substance behind it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I think the Fantastic 4 have always been the weakest of superheroes.

I like the of introducing the Silver Surfer canonically. He orginally appearing the F4 to begin with. Avi Arad said that they wanted to bring him in with the F4 so they could start another franchise with just him. That would make this, basically, the first superhero cross over movie.

Still, the first movie was pants and I'm sure this will be just as bad.
Anyone who grumbles about Jessica Alba with blonde hair invalidates their opinion on anything tbh. As if you'd really give a damn what colour her hair was if it came down to it :D
Saw this film and i thought .

95% of the time not funny.
all except the action scenes where poo, and they where still pretty poo
only liked the silver surfer
to predictable

all in all 4-5 / 10
Seriously mate she just looks wierd - really doesnt suit her and I have no idea why they forced her to have that colour (other than trying to be true to the comic)...

Just detracts from looking at her - thats just ogling time wastage and that to me is a travesty...

[random]Its like a hot girl with an eye patch - just doesnt work...[/random]

ps3ud0 :cool:
Pretty much thought it was a load of toss I'm afraid, and I'm always up for superhero films -even daredevil :p

Gotta agree with Mr Fantastic's dancing, turned to my mates on either side and said omg crap cgi! :D It really was dire, like someone had photoshop smeared his arms across the frame or something!
ps3ud0 said:
Seriously mate she just looks wierd - really doesnt suit her and I have no idea why they forced her to have that colour (other than trying to be true to the comic)...

Just detracts from looking at her - thats just ogling time wastage and that to me is a travesty...

[random]Its like a hot girl with an eye patch - just doesnt work...[/random]

ps3ud0 :cool:

You trying to say that you wouldn't 'cause of the wig? ;)
Just got back from this...

Gotta say i thought it was hilariously ****. What annoys me is companies give people money to make crap like that! The directing script and acting was soooo crap, i was actaully laughing through most of the film. The CGI was also pretty dire, the ONLY saving grace was the Silver Surfer. He's probably one of the best Marvel characters, and really deserves his own film.

I hope that SS gets his own film, with the F4 as a back story and galactus actually has a role. Its a shame how such huge characters in the comics are relegated in the movies (Venom anyone?).

Overall dissapointed, poor poor film. But the silver surfer rocks :p.
Good to hear that it's not rubbish. Was debating going on seeing it with a few mates, although not really happy with the idea of more than likely sitting with loads of screaming children on the cinema for 1.5 hrs :P
The first one was only saved by Jessica Alba in her underwear which was, quite frankly, ACE.

Unless this one has similar, or the Silver Surfer has been done really well it's gonna be pap tbh...
Docaroo said:
The first one was only saved by Jessica Alba in her underwear which was, quite frankly, ACE.

Unless this one has similar, or the Silver Surfer has been done really well it's gonna be pap tbh...

When she took her clothes off and turned invisible in the street I couldn't help but wonder how much her pants would make on the bay :D
Sweetloaf said:
When she took her clothes off and turned invisible in the street I couldn't help but wonder how much her pants would make on the bay :D

I've jsut had a thought... imagine getting it on with her and having her turn invisible while doing it??? It'd be like borking thin air but yet still excellent?!? lol...
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