Fantastic 360 Tech demo

2 Mar 2004
Check this out this was showcased running on a 360 DEV kit at E3 behind closed doors

This is actual in game footage of an upcomming 360 game

After watching this remember that this was runing on a DEV kit so expect the final thing to look even better :eek:

You can use at orrent program to download the file or there is a direct link at the bottom of the page its only 37MB

I honestly dont know what they are doing there. That is Crysis, a tech demo from Crytek, makers of FarCry of their DirectX10 based technology.

I posted the video in the pc section a little while back.

Xbox 360 nor PS3 will be using that technology as it is directX10 based, and even those consoles are not in that generation.
The Xenos GPU prolly can do it, as it's not strictly a dx9 part, more slightly above it. That demo didn't do a thing for me tbh, all I see is a tweaked up CryEngine for next gen gpu's that will barely run it at a good res, just like the first engine.

Right now, all I want to see is the Unreal 3 engine running on Gears of War. If the gpu can manage that at a decent frame rate while providing top visuals, then I'll be impressed.
The 360 is fully capable of running this engine to its full capability, the ps3 gpu on the other hand isn't as its a 7800GTX 512. It doesn't go beyond shader model 3.0 or support directx 10 features or go beyond directx10 features such as the 360's gpu does.

To be honest the best way to put it is simply that this videocard in the 360 doesn't stick to any strict guildlines. It wasn't geared for directx9 or directx10 just like that it was geared towards itself so to speak. They set out to make the best possible console gpu one can currently have and in trying to accomplish that goal they ended up with a videocard that supports all dx9 features and goes beyond dx9 features and supports many dx10 features and then goes beyond directx10 features. A perfectly built console gpu designed for the future. Thats how many have described they say the 360 gpu doesn't simply meet any directx specifications it meets its own.

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Considering Microsoft build the directX versions this is quite a clever technological point.
Xbox 360 should be DX10 since its tying in with the new DX version in Vista (which is 10 btw). Games that work on DX10 should theoretically work on the 360 and vice versa (obviously need to be recompiled and all hand-assembly re-written). Of course the Xenon supports a load more features, but so does the 6800 series for example (a lot more features than DX9, not 10).

The PS3 certainly won't be using a 7800GTX 512MB, god knows where that thought came from. It'll be custom just like the Xenon, and from early specs I've seen should be faster. Pity about the CPU on the PS3, if it had a decent CPU then the PS3 would be hands down better than the 360, as it stands, I'm not sure if the PS3 will be plagued by CPU limitations (somewhat similiar to the PS2).
Boogle said:
The PS3 certainly won't be using a 7800GTX 512MB, god knows where that thought came from. It'll be custom just like the Xenon, and from early specs I've seen should be faster. Pity about the CPU on the PS3, if it had a decent CPU then the PS3 would be hands down better than the 360, as it stands, I'm not sure if the PS3 will be plagued by CPU limitations (somewhat similiar to the PS2).

How do you know the CPU is worse? and the custom PS3 chip i believe is called RSX?
Boogle said:
Xbox 360 should be DX10 since its tying in with the new DX version in Vista (which is 10 btw). Games that work on DX10 should theoretically work on the 360 and vice versa (obviously need to be recompiled and all hand-assembly re-written). Of course the Xenon supports a load more features, but so does the 6800 series for example (a lot more features than DX9, not 10).

The PS3 certainly won't be using a 7800GTX 512MB, god knows where that thought came from. It'll be custom just like the Xenon, and from early specs I've seen should be faster. Pity about the CPU on the PS3, if it had a decent CPU then the PS3 would be hands down better than the 360, as it stands, I'm not sure if the PS3 will be plagued by CPU limitations (somewhat similiar to the PS2).

Yeah, the PS3 will be using a 7800GTX. An article was published recently basically saying out of all the methods nvidia have tried, using the 7800 was the best for them. Both price/performance wise. Also an artist who works for sony has come out and said the same - also stating that the techs actually know that the 360 is more capable hardware wise.
Robert said:
Also an artist who works for sony has come out and said the same - also stating that the techs actually know that the 360 is more capable hardware wise.

I read that interview, and he didn't know exactly what was better/worse, just that the techs said the PS3 wasn't as 'good'.

The RSX (thanks Gord) may well be based on the G70 (which is the 7800GTX chip), but its certainly far more 'beefed' up with more pixel shaders, vertex shaders, higher clock speed, and so forth. The G70 is definitely based on the NV40, but its far, far faster than the 6800 GT for example.

gord: I'm not going over this AGAIN, but basically the 360 has 3 general purpose cores each with a full instruction set and cache. The Cell's SPEs have neither cash, nor direct access to the memory controller. This means that the general purpose core on the Cell will spend some of its time transferring memory data to and from the SPEs, stalling whatever its working on itself if it, itself needs memory access. In short - the SPEs are useless and a pure marketing gimmick. This means the PS3 has one core, vs. the 360's 3 cores.

However, the GPU on the PS3 has its own memory with its own dedicated memory controller. The 360 has to share the memory across 3 CPUs and 1 GPU, severely cutting available memory bandwidth. Fortunately the memory buffer is held in the 10MB embedded DRAM (super high speed) buffer. Textures and geometry still has to be stored in the general purpose memory. RSX's distinction between vertex and pixel shaders means more raw processing power, but the possibility of one bottlenecking the other. Which is faster? I don't know, but since they're in a console the game can specifically target the GPU meaning the differences are pretty much nullified and both GPUs should perform very similiarly. Its the CPU thats the problem (on the PS3).
I don't think the 360 has cache for EACH of the cores, more like 1meg shared. But yeah, that 10meg of ram is virtually like 10meg of cache.
Robert said:
I don't think the 360 has cache for EACH of the cores, more like 1meg shared. But yeah, that 10meg of ram is virtually like 10meg of cache.

Sorry, should have clarified. But the shared cache has some major advantages, such as different threads being able to very quickly access data from other threads - plus when a thread needs to be created you don't need to worry which CPU it ends up on. Disadvantage of course, is the possibility that there may be more halts than usual due to multiple simultaneous cache accesses to the same data.
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