Z3s keep growing on me... used to think they were horrible but now I kinda like them... the Z3MCoupe too!
Finally had enough of the Austin 1300 Basil?


i tohught i was reading basil's posts wrong, until i noticed he was using the title in the comments box!
[TW]Fox;15475602 said:
Just like hardly anyone bought a Z4 Coupe :(

Why is that a bad thing? They are utterly hideous and have the plastictastic Z4 interior but without the benefit of no roof :p
[TW]Fox;15472634 said:
Please dont blame me for these threads :(

Yes, M52B20 and M52TUB20. Found in the UK in the Z3 2.0 and the BMW 520i 1996-2000. Elsewhere the E46 got it as well but we didnt here. Think it also popped up in the E36?

I had a straight six two litre in a E21 320, mate smashed it up a few years ago, I miss that car.
Nothing specific really, just wanted to have a read of it all again. Though i might now be downgrading from the Falcon i initially booked as i think my doppy tart of another half has thrown my driving licence away! Not what you need to hear when we fly on friday. Time to pull the house apart and see if i can find it, not sure what that will mean when i'm in Aus though as i expect they will want to see a valid driving licence before handing the keys over!
Nothing specific really, just wanted to have a read of it all again. Though i might now be downgrading from the Falcon i initially booked as i think my doppy tart of another half has thrown my driving licence away! Not what you need to hear when we fly on friday. Time to pull the house apart and see if i can find it, not sure what that will mean when i'm in Aus though as i expect they will want to see a valid driving licence before handing the keys over!

You'll need your photocard license. I was never asked for the counterpart at any rental location. I went super prepared with both parts of my license AND an international driving permit and all they wanted was the photocard.
[TW]Fox;15476658 said:
You'll need your photocard license. I was never asked for the counterpart at any rental location. I went super prepared with both parts of my license AND an international driving permit and all they wanted was the photocard.

Hmmm, mine was an old paper type anyway, i've got photocopies of it, but cant find the original, bearing in mind it was in an envelope marked 'Important Holiday Docs' and she seems to have all the other bits and pieces that were n there but not my licence.......
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