Far Cry 4 - Five Minute Trailer

Love the way its actually a "gameplay trailer" when it shows no gameplay at all. Could be a sodding pre rendered video for all we know. Not impressed.
That looks really good actually. When he got into his wingsuit and went through that valley:eek:
Also like the new combat features shootin while driving and jumping from a moving car into the next to kill the driver and passanger. Co-op looks to be very good fun, and will probably do that with my brother.
Didn't like FarCry3 despite completing it, was just awful. This does look good, but I hope it's better than the last. The engine is beautiful!
looks good to me.....pc friendly too !!

but i expect it'll be very similar to the 3rd game, once you've played the 1st hour it'll repeat itself from then on....deffo worth getting though, because it will look awesome
I gave up on FC3 after about 10 minutes because I couldn't get past the bit where I had to throw rocks round a ship to distract people. Never playing a FC game again.
Didn't like FarCry3 despite completing it, was just awful. This does look good, but I hope it's better than the last. The engine is beautiful!

it depends what you think is awful about it, because this 4th game will be very similar, it'll just be in a different location that's all.

cant wait for this loved number 3 never played 1 or 2 and blood dragon i had free with a gfx card but didnt bother playing it but this looks epic the engine looks beutiful
cant wait for this loved number 3 never played 1 or 2 and blood dragon i had free with a gfx card but didnt bother playing it but this looks epic the engine looks beutiful

Most people that played FC1 liked it a lot, and I can also recommend Blood Dragon, too. I wouldn't say you're missing anything if you don't play the second game. For me, FC1 is the best thing Crytek have done.
Most people that played FC1 liked it a lot, and I can also recommend Blood Dragon, too. I wouldn't say you're missing anything if you don't play the second game. For me, FC1 is the best thing Crytek have done.

cheers mate fc1 is on me steam libary ill have to give it ago soon and i will eventually play blood dragon i was told its a totally diff game from the rest of the series
Got FC3 and got so far, think i played it wrong went round as much as possible getting the animals to upgrade my pouches etc.. By the time i did that got bored of the game i couldnt be bothered with lol

But FC4 looks interesting though and will probably visually stunning

Ubisoft really have a lot of work to do with R6, AC unity, the division, FC4
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