Far Cry HDR on a 7900GTX

Energize said:
Not me, it got very very, very boring.

How did it get boring?

Dont u just like going along on the beach? Theres nothing like it. *wipes tear*

Good old days.

Makes it even better with HD and new stuff they will add in the new patch. :)
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I finshed it, ends a bit boring but the last few levels, especially the one with all the islands are great. Then theres that bit near the end where you find a room that is wall to wall weapons, it was like chrismas. Reminded me of HL, Im sure there was something simlar on that.
Jack Bauer said:
I finshed it, ends a bit boring but the last few levels, especially the one with all the islands are great. Then theres that bit near the end where you find a room that is wall to wall weapons, it was like chrismas. Reminded me of HL, Im sure there was something simlar on that.

Thats the bit i couldnt get past! You go through a door, fully loaded, to find around 50 huge ass monsters with rocket launchers inside a volcano :eek:
Run like the wind! Or rather take the buggy and drive like the wind...
Dont stop to fight, their rockets will mash you up. Turn left before the broken bridge, I dont think the jump is possible so you'll have to go cross country for a bit. Mind the lava flows...
I used the sniper as I came out the door and took a couple of the little guys out, (had died about 40 times by now so I new where they where.) By then 2 of the big tings where half way up the hill. Took a bit of luck taking them out, few nades as they are coming round the corner, then just spray and use the door for cover. After that it aint too bad (or rather if you have played the game up to that point you should manage).

The end boss is hard tho :p
PlatinumFX said:
Run like the wind! Or rather take the buggy and drive like the wind...
Dont stop to fight, their rockets will mash you up. Turn left before the broken bridge, I dont think the jump is possible so you'll have to go cross country for a bit. Mind the lava flows...

No not that bit. That bit was insanely easy :D all the monsters were chasing behind me so i thought **** it, got in the buggy and floored it through the lava flows all the way up to the building, then got out and ran straight to the door, with 20 guys shooting at me, but somehow i survived and got through :p my heart must have almost stopped lol ive never known a game to be so intense!
Turbanation said:
OI can I please have some screenies, what this thread is supposed to be for.

Its not Far Cry Reunion or something. :D

LOL sorry id forgotten what a great game it is :p

Anyway ive already said just go on google images and search for "far cry hdr" and you will see exactly how good it looks.
I've been playing Farcry 64bit with HDR.
I've adjusted HDR level to to what I think looks the best, though one shot has the HDR turned way up ..ooh give me sunglasses.
Have increased the view distance to 4.5km, FPS still good at around 70fps.
No AA as using a GeForce :(

I've posted some full res screenshots here: (page is 6.6mb !)

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