There are lots of examples of banks accounts being shut down without reason around the Internet. You're just choosing not to look.
As for the slow walk. JSO get away with it because they are the right kind of activist group. If they were a right wing group they would be treated roughly and arrested. This uneven treatment as been on display many times.
Your general position seems to be that you don't care about the treatment of others who have a different position than you. I find that to be a dark mind set of the past.
No offence here but we always go through this sort of loop don't we. You make perpetually bad takes on situations and eventually repent when you actually become more educated in an area. So I am not really sure why I am bothering, but :
Banks do not have a obligation to offer you an account nor maintain it. They are a business and as such can choose who they deal with, as long as they do so legally.
There are guidelines for how much notice to give in regards closure and when instant closure is acceptable.
I am not going to start googling "people who have bank accounts force closed" since you just know, or you should, how imbalanced an approach to research is.
The equivalent to going "how many people die from vaccinations" and expecting to get a balanced first page of results.
I am very much against the socialist type approach of everyone is equal. Its funny since I would align with most of those who are complaining about this decision on principle. But for some reason in this case (we really know its because its Farage and many have tied themselves to his mast but will claim something else,) they argue the opposite.
The individual should have a right to demand an account!? I am not sure how that ever works in a free market democracy.
Now the one area I know has been problematic (
and this is NOT caused by the banks but by government legislation) is in regards some other countries.
The banks are required to ensure that funds are not used for eg terrorism. Sounds easy when the person you are dealing with is mainly a UK based person dealing with the UK.
What about when the person is of African heritage and sending money abroad to accounts that the bank cannot know what they are, or who they belong to.
Its frankly typical of the bad legislation we pass, yes lets blame the EU that is convenient, but all nations face the same issues.
I am sure we could insert a little casual racism at this point and say if we hadn't let them in in the first place we would be fine.
Frankly its laughable you say that right wing protestors suffer different treatment to JSO. For starters JSO are not left wing, they contain and are supported by people who are also right wing.
The oddity about JSO is that it tends to be young (who see their future) and old (who see their grandkids future) who are mainly active. A lot of those older people who would historically be conservative voters.
I even sent a message to Rishi, saying he should be dropping the boats pledge and be switching in the one that may actually give us a hope in the forthcoming election, the climate.
For all his uselessness the one thing I agreed with Boris on was the climate.
I am not sure if you are really paying attention, but it was widely publicised that people were being arrested and detained for
appearing to be JSO activists. To reinforce that,
appearing to be, not actively doing anything.
There have been reporters (going to document protests) and even someone who was a massive royalist chucked in a cell for the day as the police thought they were JSO.
Our rights are being hammered in this area, moving us closer to the sorts of thing that Canada did (which I also disagree with FWIW).
I do care about the rights of others. I believe in the rule of law, that that law should be equally applied to all, and that the law should only ever go as far as it needs to to maintain society.
I do not back eroding rights people have fought hard for, I do not back breaking hard fought for international agreements (such as Asylum).
So I do very much care about others. My position politically is centre right, but fairly libertarian.