Farcry 2 screen shots

"Alex our director is going to give you more informations on that"


He also stated that they have a new engine, "specifically for Far Cry 2"

I read about and watched a few videos about the new engine a while ago. Stuff like dynamic fire and day/night cycles, nothing spectacular to be honest.

I think CryEngine 2 will still be the far better engine if I was to compare it to another engine.
Hope it'll run on cryengine 2...
Looks ok, the fire looked off to me but like the envoirment, looks like the african savannah.
Sinque said:
Then the usual complimentary delays so mid 2009 :p

Good job 3D Realms aren't working on it, it'd be around 2015 before we even saw "screenshots".

Hopefully this'll live up to the Far Cry name and have the insanely difficult AI and great visuals.
Jihad said:
Looks crap compared to UT3/Crysis.

I'm glad someone else thought the same, looking at the screenshot with the sniper rifle it looks more like a painting.

Don't like the look of it.
to be honest that looks like you will need a 8800GTS to make it look remotely good... But then again, the engine might be amazing and it might run entirely of CPU :D lol...
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