woodsy2k said:
Well it seems that there are a lot of assumptions there, The main being that these extra 2 dimensions actually exist, and in those there exists the force that is the product of gravity as we know it, and moving charge creating both a magnetic field along with their own electric field, and the gravitational field due to the electrons mass.
The idea that extra dimensions can give rise to fundamental forces isn't a new one -
Kaluza and Klein showed way back in the 20s that postulating a fifth spacetime dimension in the shape of a circle gives not only Einstein's field equations for gravity, but also Maxwell's laws for Electromagnetism. It doesn't seem too far-fetched to guess that other 'extra' dimensions may give rise to the other fundamental forces - although Heim's theory is the first that I've heard which claims to be able to do so in a consistent manner.
In some sense it doesn't even matter if these extra dimensions 'exist' or are detectable using conventional methods. If postulating their existence gives lots of sensible predictions and no contradictory ones, then that's a good reason to suppose that they exist for the time being. If the theory gives good results then why ditch the theory - even if it does seem oddly counter-intuitive?
I'd be wary, though, because they also claim that Heim-Droscher theory unifies gravity and quantum mechanics. It would be an incredible tour-de-force if it did, but so many people have incorrectly claimed to be able to unify the two in the last X years that we should be wary, and exceedingly picky with any new challengers.
As to FTL travel - I couldn't really comment. I tried to read Droscher's reworking of Heim's paper, and it was
hard. Like, really hard. Even if it is possible, then I fully expect to take many, many years - I wouldn't be at all surprised if we didn't live to see it.