FAT32 causing slowdown

11 May 2007
I've got numerous large HD's that i'm transferring to a network through windows. The 2Tb Lacies (NTFS) transfer data to windows with no problems and sit in the background. I have some WD Mybook 500GB which are all full but formatted in FAT32. During the data transfers my machine grinds to a halt (CPU usage ~40%, network ~80%) but the mouse struggles to move.

I suspect its the formatting difference rather than manufacturer but I wondered if there was any software/config changes that may help this situation.

Running the HD's on a 2nd machine is not an option.
Running them overnight is also out of the question.
Reformatting them would be nice but the data is already on them and very valuable.

Any ideas? I've got 8 WD's to do so I will go insane at this rate.

Thanks in advance.
I would agree that it's probably the drive format that's to blame, I've seen significant improvments since moving to NTFS for my externals.

You can do a one time conversion from FAT32 to NTFS using the convert.exe command.
Yeah I've always noticed slowdown on FAT32, especially once it starts filling up. Transfer data to your server, format as NTFS. Transfer data back.
Cheers guys.
I would be tempted to use the convert.exe if it wasn't such valuable data but if it goes wrong i'll be lynched. I'll recommend a reformat once they get sent back to their original owner. In the mean time its struggle on.
Frogskin said:
Cheers guys.
I would be tempted to use the convert.exe if it wasn't such valuable data but if it goes wrong i'll be lynched. I'll recommend a reformat once they get sent back to their original owner. In the mean time its struggle on.
Run chkdsk on the drives before running convert.

But I don't think I've ever read of convert messing up on here.
basmic said:
Run chkdsk on the drives before running convert.

But I don't think I've ever read of convert messing up on here.

I wouldn't risk it. Just copy data across, format the drive, then copy back.
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