Father to be....

18 Oct 2002
Righto I am about to be a father and am shopping for a buggy.

I have been looking at the quinny Buzz3 and the mamas and papas Skate.. I am finding it a hard job to decide what pram to get..

What you guys got and how you rate it.


We only want 1 buggy dont want to have loaded like people do.. I was hoping to get a bugger that would do from birth up to toddlers.... Reason why I mention that quinny buzz and mamas and papas skate to give an idea on what i been looking at..
Thanks guys for your congrad :) I will have a good shop round and test a few and also as suggested try and get hold of refurb models.

I keep you all informed in which I get

Yeah we aware about bus... But we need a strong sturdy pram too since we live out in the country side.

Am going to have a good look into it all
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