Fathers Day at work

Do you get this annoyed when it's some one else's birthday too:cry: or what about mother's day

A female colleague of mine actually kicked off about this sort of thing a few years back. Apparently she was medically unable to have children and although she didn't have a problem with mother's day itself, she didn't like it being promoted at work and thought it unfair and insensitive that company policies around flexible working and the like only seemed to apply to people with kids. Of course practically everyone is smart/flexible working since COVID came along!

So this may or may have been a troll post by the OP, but I can see why such a situation could be viewed by some as discrimination by the employer.
At work today because of Fathers Day they were giving all Dads a free bottle of wine for working today. If your not a dad you get nothing. Am I being stupid that thinking this is Unconscious bias or discrimination because your not a father.

The bias is very much a conscious one. It's the whole point of it - father's day is for fathers. The clue's in the name. If you're objecting to the very existence of father's day, do so honestly.

But you’re not

They're the Hokey-Cokey! In, out, shake it all about!
... only seemed to apply to people with kids. ...

I assume everyone alive had a father. Even in they didn't know them, or had a bad relationship with them. Our might even just be someone you know who acts as a father figure.


Anyway it's dumb thing for a company to celebrate. You could pick a neutral topic to create a bit of fun and socializing.
Oh for gods sakes, so on mothers day are you saying all women who are not mothers should be really offended when ads etc go to town on advertising yet another hallmark day, AND they wont get anything. :D

As, others have also said. What is it with these first post account trollbots of late?

Maybe Mumsnet is getting to quiet and they coming over to these fine forums? :D
I had a mixed bag yesterday, but I think that I did reasonably well on the whole.
First off I got a card from # 1 son in Germany, it was a Frohe Weihnachten (Happy Christmas) card, with Weihnachten redacted, and Fathers Day put in with felt tipped pen.
Inside it said “Happy Fathers Day dad, I couldn’t get a card in English, Fathers Day is May 13th. here and if I’d got you one it would have been in German and you’d have been WhatsApping my kids for a translation.”
Then I got a card from # 2 son, telling me that he’d spring for dinner next month at an upmarket French restaurant in Islington, plus he called me later to say “Happy Fathers Day”.
Then late last night I had a WhatsApp from a very long time friend in New York City, she put, “To Jean-François, Happy Fathers Day to the nicest old roué that I know!”
Considering that we’ve had a platonic relationship for circa 45 years, I took it as a compliment.
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As, others have also said. What is it with these first post account trollbots of late?

Maybe Mumsnet is getting to quiet and they coming over to these fine forums? :D

Or someone in the media is fishing around for a story they can tell about all these "hate-filled straight white nerd" forums they've heard about on mumsnet and are looking for evidence? :eek:
What is it with these random 1 post count posters? Aware we've all got to start somewhere, but usually you'd start with a hello, rather than a semi serious post.
I presume it's a regular member who doesn't want to forever catch flak on their main account from asking an obviously ******** question...
Oh, grow a pair OP.

I bet as a kid, you also got a present when it was a sibling's birthday to stop you from crying.
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