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I agree that at that specific moment an exact reading is difficult, but even so the card really should never get so slow that you jump from area to area because the FPS can't keep us with your movement. Not with a top-end card.
I have been reading in other forums about cards being underclocked at default, and they have to overclock them to get them to what they should be. :rolleyes:

I'm guessing this is what is happening to my card but I don't really want to overclock it. How can I check what my clock speeds are in 3D mode without overclocking?
I used Rivatuner and according to its hardware monitor my clock speeds do not change from the 2D defaults when I am gaming. Is this proof that my card is locked at those speeds?
Well I know for a fact that the wavy lines are a fault with the card so I figure I'm owed a replacement/refund regardless. I do believe the poor FPS is also due to a fault with the card though. I'm sure they will sort things out for me so I didn't ask about the price.
I used Rivatuner and according to its Hardware Monitor my clock speeds did not increase toi 3D speeds when playing games. Maybe it got it wrong but that is what it reported.
I got an email from OcUK stating that a new graphics card has been sent to me so I assume it must have been faulty. :)

I will post back when I have installed the new card and let you know how it is. :D
Well I received my card back today and it was the same one. :(

There was no explanation so I had to call up OcUK to find out and I was told that they couldn't replicate the problems I was experiencing.

This leaves me wondering what could be the cause of my poor performance, and why RivaTuner got it wrong...
Reinstalled Windows, all drivers (latest, official), Direct X and the game. No tweaking, just everything at default settings and only the bare minimum installed on the hard drive.

Still stuttering jerky performance and way behind on what I would expect for FPS rates from this card.

However, after reinstallation RivaTuner DID now indicate that the clock speeds rose after using 3D. So that rules out the card being stuck in 2D mode...

Next course of action? :confused:
Hey turtle,

I have also tried CS:S which can run 30FPS~ or lower when there are firefights when everything is maxed at 1280x1024.

The reason I draw attention to Far Cry is that other people with the same card are getting over 60FPS in the reference point we used, where as I have 40FPs. At the bottom of that hill it suddenly jolts when I fire my gun and hovers at high 20s and low 30s FPS. It really isn't smooth at all either. If other people are getting 50% higher FPS rates, and what is expectable from this card, then I think I should be getting those rates too.

As both me and Gregan have the same issue I wonder if our motherboards are the fault now. I can't see how the 4000+ could be repsonsible (could it?) but the mobo on the other hand...

For instance, the X-Fi XtremeMusic I have has horrible performance if you don' tinker with IRQ settings in the BIOS of my mobo. I have tried the same practice with the X1900 X-TX but all I have managed to do by switching assignments is drop performance by half. Maybe one combination could make it worth properly if I get lucky...
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In the tunnel section my FPS goes through the roof at over 100FPS. It's when I go outside or there is action that it becomes choppy...

I have updated the BIOS but I have had to revert back to the previous version as it has issues with SATA hard drives. Neither BIOS has an impact on my predicament however.
I updated to the latest Direct X (April) and it did make a very slight improvement. It's not a solution but my FPS did go up my about 5% so I recommend the update to everyone.
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