faulty Deskstar?

22 Sep 2005

i bought a 160GB PATA Deskstar, unknown model number as i dont have it to hand.

no matter what i cannot install windows on it.
i know the install like the back of my hand, yet this is becoming a bit of a pain.

i got over the first 'non compatible partition ' hurdle, got to the point where windows copies the files and then restarts... and nothing. just somethign about missing c:/windows.ini

as i said... ive had nothing but trouble with this particular drive.
im wondering if its the jumper settings... theres a sticker with about 16 different combinations for 15 heads, 16 heads etc, which to be perfectly honest im unsure what the other settings are for ( not the usual slave, master, and CS ), and have never owned a deathstar !

does this sound like a borked disk
the drive is brand new, but its the jumpers that has thrown me off.
this is all i can pin it down to really. even thought he drives are being seen, and files are copying.

just found this

seems to explain those settings in detail. but as i said... the drive is *working*
i think ill just keep trying :(

different windows disc is next on the list. i don't see how but i suppose its a possibility.

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