Faulty drive?

27 Dec 2002
i have a B450 Tomahawk Max with a 3900X, a Kingston SA2000 M2 Drive, and 2 x Teamgroup 1 TB SSD in RAID 1. The other day my machine just hung and wouldn't boot. After varoius troubleshooting steps I ended up removing one of my TeamGroup SSD drives as this was intermittetently being detected in the BIOS. My main machine now works fine, and if I attach this disk on another SATA port using a different cable I get the same issue. I have moved the problematic disk to another machine and it is not detected in there so I am thinking that ths drive itself is faulty. Should I do any other tests prior to requesting an RMA, or does it look lik it is a faulty drive?
If its not detected in the bios and causes pc to hang then it's faulty... RMA time.

Impossible to test further if its not being detected.

It's the one downside with ssd... When they go faulty they tend to go suddenly and totally whereas 90% plus of mechanical drives go gradually with plenty of warning signs plus data recovery possible still with software.
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